

A Fieldwork-Based Study on Affricate-Fricative Series in Zhenhai

【作者】 戴红霞

【导师】 王桂珍;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 根据文献,现代镇海方言区别于吴语其他各方言点的语音特征之一是其保留了从中古音发展而来的三套互补分布的完整的塞擦音—擦音系列:舌尖音系列([tS]、[ts~h]、[dz]、[S]、[z]),舌面音系列([t(?)、[t(?)]、[d(?)]、[(?)]、[(?)],舌叶音系列([t∫]、[t∫~h]、[d(?)]、[∫]、[(?)])。本研究假设镇海方言的塞擦音—擦音系列和宁波方言的一样遵循相同的演变规律:镇海话中的舌叶音系列将向舌尖音系列演化、保留—套塞擦音—擦音音位系列(舌尖音系列,舌面音是舌尖音的条件变体)。针对这一假设,本文在对镇海城区及城郊镇海方言的语音调查的基础上,试图运用端木的单音理论(Single-slot Theory)对现在的镇海方言音系中的塞擦音-擦音音位系列及演变阶段作一个清晰、合理的分析。

【Abstract】 Previous studies show that Zhenhai distinguishes itself from the other dialects of Wu in that it retains three intact affricate-fricative series developed from Middle Chinese:alveolar series ([ts], [ts~h], [dz], [s], [z]), alveolo-palatal series ([(?)], [(?)~h], [(?)], [(?)], [(?)]),post-alveolar series ([(?)], [(?)~h], [(?)], [(?)], [(?)]), which are proposed to be in complementarydistribution. This fieldwork-based study investigates phonological variations of affricate-fricative series in Zhenhai and reports new findings. It aims to verify the hypothesis that affricate-fricative series in Zhenhai follow the same evolutionary trend as in Ningbo: thepost-alveolar series develops into the alveolar series ((?)→ts). A fieldwork is carried out withthis hypothesis. The data collected from 24 informants in 9 locations both in urban and suburban areas are dealt with in the framework of segmental phonology, especially Duanmu’s Single-slot Theory, which insists that Chinese onset consonant -glide clusters can be analyzed as complex sounds, resulting in an increase in phonological simplicity. The data reveal new evolution in affricate-fricative series in Zhenhai: post-alveolar series has almost disappeared, leaving alveolar series and alveolo-palatal series, by comparison with previous studies. This result suggests that this study’s verification is achieved.

【关键词】 塞擦音-擦音系列演变镇海方言
【Key words】 affricate-fricative seriesevolutionZhenhai
  • 【分类号】H173
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】87

