Comparison of New Varieties and Grafted Rootstocks of Vegetables in Greenhouse
【作者】 周长勇;
【导师】 于贤昌;
【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2006, 硕士
【摘要】 本文针对当前设施蔬菜栽培中存在的技术难点,从设施蔬菜新品种引进比较、蔬菜嫁接砧木筛选和设施蔬菜嫁接配套栽培技术入手进行了深入研究。研究表明:1.设施蔬菜新品种引进比较试验1.1甜椒红英达、美亚和麦加玛等3个甜椒新品种综合性状良好,生长势强,抗病,平均单果重大,品质好,果肉厚、丰产,均可在枣庄及周边地区保护地生产中推广应用。1.2设施番茄品种改良加茜亚和R-144生长势及抗病性能较强,综合性状优,是枣庄及周边地区日光温室越冬栽培的首选品种。1.3樱桃番茄品种斑比奥、亚蔬6号和圣女丰产性好,抗病性强,果实商品性优,产值高,在保护地冬季生产中值得推广应用。1.4水果型黄瓜品种铂金和依兰丰产性好,果实商品性优,产值高,值得在枣庄及周边地区保护冬季生产中推广应用。2.蔬菜嫁接砧木品种比较试验2.1在番茄嫁接中,以96-1和96-8作砧木的嫁接苗综合性状最好,表现为抗病性强、产量高、品质好,可作为番茄嫁接砧木的首选品种。2.2在茄子嫁接中,以托鲁巴姆作砧木的嫁接苗表现植株生长势强、抗病、高产,综合性状明显优于其它砧木;GQ—1作砧木的嫁接苗产量较高,生长势、抗病性较强。因此,这两种砧木均可在茄子嫁接生产中推广应用。2.3在西瓜嫁接中,以南砧一号和新土佐作砧木的嫁接苗综合性状最好,表现为产量高、品质好、单瓜重大,可在生产上大力推广。2.4在无籽西瓜嫁接中,以南砧一号作砧木的嫁接苗综合性状最好,表现为生长势强,耐寒性强,抗病、产量高,平均单瓜重明显增大,可作为西瓜嫁接砧木的首选品种。3.设施蔬菜嫁接栽培技术综合研究番茄、茄子采用劈接法,西瓜采用插接法及靠接法成活率高、用工少、简单易学;番茄、茄子砧木5-6片真叶、接穗3-4片真叶时是嫁接的最佳
【Abstract】 It aimed at technology difficulty of vegetables in greenhouse currently. Introu- duce and ridding of new vegetables in greenhous、ridding of grafted rootstocks and planting technology were studied thoroughly.The main ruslts were as follows:1.experimentation of introuduce and ridding in new varieties of vegetables in greenhouse1.1Three new sweet pepper varieties, Hongyingda, Meiyaand Maijama, had good integrated characters: their growth vigor were strong, they were resistant to disease, the average weight per fruit were higher, the flavor of them were better, the flesh were deep and their yield were higher. So they should be popularized in greenhouse in Zhaozhuang and around area.1.2 The growth potential and disease-resistance of Jiaxiya and R-144 were better, excellent integrated characters.They were the preferable varieties cultured in greenhouse in Zhaozhuang and around area.1.3The three fruit-type cheery tomato varieties, Banbiao, Yashu No.16 and Shengnv, took on higher fertilities, stronger disease-resistance, better merchandise characters and higher production value. So they were good for popularization in greenhouse at Zhaozhuang and around area in winter.1.4The two fruit-type cucumber varieties, Bojin and Yilan, took on higher fertilities, better merchandise characters and higher production value .So they were good for popularization in greenhouse in winter in Zhaozhuang and around area.2.experimentation of ridding in vegetable grafted rootstocks2.1 96-1 and 96-8 were used as rootstock. The grafted tomato seedlings exhibited best integrated characters, higher yields, better qualities and higher disease-resistant.So they were the preferable varieties as rootstock for tomato.2.2 Tuolubamu were used as rootstock.The grafted eggplant seedlings exhibited higher fertilities ,better disease-resistant and higher yields The integrated characters were the best.Another one used GQ-1 as rootstock also had relatively higher yield, the better growth vigor and disease-resistance. Their affinities were good. Both of the two varieties were good for popularization in eggplant grafted culture.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 山东农业大学 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
- 【分类号】S626
- 【下载频次】390