

Studies on Yield Components and Relationships between Yield and Its Components in the Super-high-yield Winter Wheat

【作者】 李素真

【导师】 田纪春; 周爱莲;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选用山东省超级小麦项目组育成的实收666.7m2产量超过650kg的6个超级小麦新品种(系):大穗型(01-35和8355),中间型(6200(8)和4133-2),多穗型(988044和02-48),通过调节播种期和播种量对超级小麦产量结构、不同产量结构下穗数、穗粒数和千粒重对籽粒产量贡献的变化及群体发展动态进行了系统研究,结论如下:1、不同品种、播期、密度对产量的影响不同。在不同播期条件下,品种(系)02-48、988044与01-35对产量的影响达到极显著水平;8355、6200(8)和4133-2对产量的影响达显著水平。各品种(系)产量结果表现为:988044﹥02-48﹥01-35﹥8355﹥4133-2﹥6200(8)。不同类型的品种均以10月5日播种期的产量为最高,随着播种期的推迟产量呈下降趋势。不同类型超级小麦密度间差异均未达到显著水平。同一品种(系)密度对其亩穗数、穗粒数、千粒重及产量的影响差异也不显著。因此,选用多穗型品种,适时早播是超级小麦获得高产的关键。2、通径分析结果表明:产量构成因素对产量均有直接的影响和间接影响。对(1)01-35影响的顺序为亩穗数﹥穗粒数﹥千粒重;(2)8355影响的顺序为穗粒数﹥千粒重﹥亩穗数;(3)6200(8)影响的顺序为穗粒数﹥千粒重﹥亩穗数;(4)4133-2影响的顺序是千粒重﹥亩穗数﹥穗粒数;(5)988044影响的顺序为亩穗数﹥千粒重﹥穗粒数;(6)02-48影响的顺序为千粒重﹥穗粒数﹥亩穗数。3、不同品种地上部及籽粒干物质积累速度和积累总量不同。但同一品种二者的变化趋势是一致的,即多穗型品种地上部干物质积累最高,产量也是最高的,这与统计分析结果基本一致,中间型次之,大穗型最低。4、从积累系数看,988044、02-48和01-35三品种的“源”比较充足,而8355、4133-2和6200(8)三品种的“源”相对较小,且以6200(8)“源”最小。

【Abstract】 In this test, 6 super wheat veriaties,being from the super wheat breeding groups of Shandong province, were classified into three types.01-35 and 8355 belonged to big-spike type, 6200(8) and 4133-2 belonged to medium-spike type, and 988044 and 02-48 was poly-spike type. The yields of every matural were over 650Kg/666.7m~2 in this test. Under the condition of different seedtime and planting density. It was studied by the numbers of the contributions of all yield components to yield and trents of colony developments. The yield components included ear number, grain number per ear and weight of 1000 grains. The results were as follows:1.Effects on the yields of different seedtime was different about 6 super wheat cultivars. On the condition of different seedtime, it appeared greatly significant level (P<0.01) to yield of cultivars 02-48, 988044, and 01-35; and it appeared significant level(P<0.05) of cultivars 8355, 6200 and 4133-2. Yields show that: 988044>02-48>01-35>8355>4133-2>6200. It was the best seedtime that on 5 Oct. of seeding date for getting high yields. With the delaying of seedtime, the yields fo all cultivars decreased little by little. However, the effects on yield of planting density to yield did not appeare significant level (P<0.05), the yeild components too. affect the yields and . Above showed, it was necesarry for obtaining high yield that the poly-spike types cultivars and its suitable early seedtime, which was the key factor of super wheat producation for high yield.2.Path-coefficient analysis showed that yield components affected yield directly or indirectly. The trends of effects for yield components on yields respectively showed that, 01-35 appeared ears number per 666.7 m~2>kernels number per ear>weight of 1000 kernels; 8355 appeared kernels number per ear>weight of 1000 kernel > ears number per 666.7 m~2; 6200 appeared kernels number per ear>weight of 1000 kernels > ears number per 666.7 m~2 ; 4133-2 appeared weight of 1000 kernels > ears number per 666.7 m~2> kernel number per ear; 988044 appeared ears number per 666.7 m~2>weight of 1000 kernels >

  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】195

