

The Design of Vehicle Traveling Data Recorder

【作者】 纪明君

【导师】 王健;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 车辆工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车行驶记录仪是一种能对车辆行驶速度、时间、里程、以及有关车辆行驶的其它状态信息进行采集、存储,并可通过通信接口实现数据的上载和下传的数字式电子设备。汽车行驶记录仪的使用有助于确定事故的真实原因,为交通事故的处理提供了科学、权威的依据;同时汽车记录仪的使用也对驾驶员起了很好的监督作用。本文将汽车行驶记录仪整个系统分为记录仪主机部分和后台管理软件部分。记录仪主机部分根据国家标准GB/T19056—2003功能要求,完成了实现数据采集、数据存储、人机交互、数据通信四个功能的硬件及软件的设计。后台管理软件采用Visual C++语言开发,通过对汽车行驶记录仪进行数据采集,可以实现查询、分析,绘图等数据管理;采用数据库作为数据存储的载体,具有快速访问、数据组织条例、软件易维护的优点。本文的主要工作包括系统硬件整体方案的规划制定、记录仪主机程序的设计和后台管理软件的开发。

【Abstract】 Vehicle traveling data recorder is a digital electronic device which can collect and store vehicle’s running velocity,real time, mileage and information relevant to the status of the vehicle.The data can be transmit through interface.The use of vehicle traveling data recorder will help to find the origin of accident and provide scientific and authoritative gist for the management of accident.At the same time, the data of vehicle traveling data recorder can monitor the drivers.The design of vehicle traveling data recorder includes two parts, the part of recorder and the part of management software. According to the requirement of national standard,The part of recorder design accomplishes hardware and software design which includes a data module,a data storage module,a operating module,a communication module.The management software is developed by Visual C++,which can collect and analyze data and manage the data through database quickly and safely.The main work of the paper includes making out and designing the system scheme,recorder software and management software to satisfy the system demands.

  • 【分类号】U463.7
  • 【下载频次】202

