

【作者】 陈全红

【导师】 刘毅玮;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:(1)研究农村示范性高中学生心理压力现状,分析压力源、压力反应和应对压力的方式三方面内容,为学校教育工作提供参考。(2)分析影响农村示范性高中学生心理压力形成的主客观因素,为缓解学生的心理压力、提高心理健康水平提供理论支持与实践指南。(3)探索并实践缓解农村示范性高中学生心理压力的教育模式,促进农村示范性高中素质教育的和谐发展。 本研究分为理论研究和实践研究两部分。在理论研究部分,采用了咨询个案分析法和问卷调查法。咨询个案主要来自尽两年的实际工作积累,调查问卷是在综合已有相关文献资料、笔者在心理教育实践中整理的学生咨询辅导个案、心理教育专家和一线有经验的班主任审核的基础上编定形成。调查对象是农村示范性高中学校高一、二、三各年级1059名学生,调查数据采用SPSS11.0统计软件,主要进行了描述性统计、多维比较分析等处理。在实践研究部分,构建了缓解农村示范性高中生的“三级”强化的心理教育模式。具体实施措施有:举办家庭教育培训、开设心理成长启示课、开展个别心理辅导、创设符合学生心理需求的校园文化、更新一线教师心理教育理念。 通过研究,得到以下结论:(1)农村示范性高中学生心理压力比较严重,父母是高中生的最主要压力源,心理压力对学生的认知影响最大,总体来讲,学生应对压力的方式不容乐观。(2)心理压力在压力源、压力反应、应对方式三方面都存在年级、学习状况的差异。(3)“三级”强化的心理教育模式及其相应的教育措施,适合农村示范性高中学校教育特点,对缓解农村示范性高中学生的心理压力非常有效。 根据以上研究,笔者认为今后研究的方向可以从以下四方面做出努力:(1)进一步研究农村示范性高中学生心理压力来源、压力反应、压力应对方式三者之间的相互影响关系。(2)进一步整理编制适合于农村示范性高中学生的心理压力问卷,对农村示范性高中学生与其他高中学生的心理压力和心理健康状况做进一步的比较分析。(3)将有限的业余活动时间转化为优化学生身心素质的第二课堂,(4)继续探索多种途径,帮助农村家长学习心理教育常识、优化家庭教育方式。

【Abstract】 Purpose: (1)To study the psychological press actuality of senior high campus school students in country,which including the main factors of press,responses by press,and reply ways to press.To provide some reference for instructors.(2)To analyse what’s the main factors during the press coming in to being.To provide theoreticai auspice and practical for the work of dispelling the press in students and improving the health level of students.(3) To search after and practice education mode in the field of dispelling the press in students.Method: In the section of theoretics,the instruments is organized in the base of practises with the help from some specialists and some salted teachers. Questionnaires were used to examine 1059 from senior high campus school in country.In the section of practices, "third class consolidated" mode in psychologicial education is formed to dispel the press in students.The material measures involves holding lecture of educatin for paterfamilias ,seting up inspiring lessons for students, Individual tutorship,creating eximious schoolyard culture,helping teachers to improve educational ideas,and so on.Conclusion:(1)The press in students of senior high campus school students is bad.The main press complication is from paterfamilias,and the press effects students’study mostly.In general,the reply manners by students to press is pessimistic.(2)Difference of press exists between different groups.(3) The"third class consolidated" mode and corresponding measures in psychologicial education are fit to the senior high campus school,and it is very effective in helping the students to reduce their psychological press.Some advice for further investigation:(1)Deepen the analyse about mutualitis between complications,responses,and coping styles.(2)Deepen the work workouting questionnaires fit for senior high campus school students in country.(3)Study how to make extracurricular time into the second class for students to optimize their mental health.(4)Maintain seachering after multi-ways to help paterfamilias in country increasing their educational knowledge and improving their instructional measures.

  • 【分类号】G444
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】407

