

【作者】 高岚

【导师】 刘茗;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 教师职业倦怠近年来已成为教育管理研究的热点。作为职业倦怠的高发人群,教师的职业倦怠状况更是引人关注。本研究旨在了解中学教师职业倦怠现状及特点,探讨教师自尊、社会支持对教师职业倦怠的影响。 研究方法:采取整群分层抽样的方法,选取被试720名中学教师,其中男226名,女494名。采用Maslach等人编制的倦怠问卷(MBI)、肖水源编制的《社会支持评定量表》及最初由Rosenberg编制,后由季益富、于欣(1993)翻译并修订为中文版的自尊量表(SES)进行问卷调查。发出问卷800份,收到有效问卷720份,有效问卷率90%。针对教师职业倦怠现状,分析了自尊、社会支持对教师职业倦怠的影响。 研究结果表明:中学有相当比例(35%)教师职业倦怠严重,教师的年龄影响职业倦怠,中年教师有比较明显的倦怠倾向;中学教师职业倦怠的发展随教龄的增加呈现出“两低中高”的发展趋势,教龄16~20年是教师职业倦怠最严重的阶段:性别、学历、职称、是否担任班主任、学校类型对教师职业倦怠的一个或多个维度有显著影响,任教年级对教师职业倦怠没有显著影响;教师的自尊水平比较高,中学教师自尊的均分为19.96分,与中间值不存在显著差异,说明教师自尊程度处于中等水平;在社会支持上,多数教师状况较好,社会支持得分居中的教师最多,得分偏离中间值越多,人数就越少;教师的自尊水平与职业倦怠状况呈显著的正相关,自尊水平越高,职业倦怠就越严重;社会支持与职业倦怠存在显著的负相关,社会支持水平越高,职业倦怠越轻;教师自尊与社会支持间交互作用显著,社会支持在教师和职业倦怠之间具有缓冲作用,社会支持可以缓冲教师自尊带来的消极结果,缓解职业倦怠的程度。 要更好地预防和缓解教师职业倦怠,社会、学校和教师应形成合力,使教师拥有较高的社会支持,帮助教师维持较高的自尊水平,这将有助于教师更好地调控自己的行为和心境,减少面对困难、挫折时的不良心理倾向,从而提高教师的心理健康水平,减轻教师的职业倦怠。

【Abstract】 In recent years, occupational ennui has been growing to be a hotspot of explorations on educational administration/management. Undoubtedly, teachers, the highly concentrated crowds more likely to be contaminated with this particular symptom, are now inviting more social concern. This research aims to gain an insight into the actuality and traits of occupational ennui existing and breaking out in high school teachers and thus to probe into the direct working of teachers’ self-worth and social back-ups on itApproaches adopted: holistic group sampling. Selecting 720 high school teachers, among which males account for 226 while females 494, introducing "MBI", a questionnaire chiefly by Malslach, "Table of Assessments On Ratio of Social Supports" by Xiao Shui Yuan and "SES", which was originally worked out by Rosenberg and later translated into Chinese and emended by Ji Yi Fu and Yu Xin(1993), handing out 800 questionnaires, and based on the effective 720 questionnaires(90% of the total) taken back, finally construing the effect of teachers’ self-worth and social back-ups on the birth and development of occupational ennui. Results indicated:There is still a relatively big percentage of teachers (35%) tainted with a severity of it in high school teachers. The growing age contributes to the development of this symptom, especially embodied in those in midlife more prominently dropping into this tendency;The growth of occupational ennui in high school teachers, with their school age gained, takes the evolving trend of it "occurring lightly in those at the two ends of age whereas intensely in the middle-aged", and those with 16-20 years of teaching are proved to be most gravely affected by it;Gender, educational backgrounds, technical titles, being a class master and the type of one’s school prominently exert influence on degrees of occupational ennui in multi-dimensionalities while what grades of students teachers are in charge of do not;Teachers’ self-worth is of a comparatively high level. The average score of high school teachers’ self-worth is 19.96 points, displaying no distinct distance away from the mid value, which illustrates that the majority of teachers’ self-worth stays in the middle level;As far as social back-ups are concerned, the multitude of teachers enjoy a good favor. Thosewho are hit by the bull points in the middle demarcation line take up the overwhelming majority and the farther they are departing from the mid value in winning social supports , the fewer they number in;Levels of teachers’ self-worth and occupational ennui positively correlate with each other : the higher level their self-worth amounts to, the more severe their occupational ennui tend to be. Social supports and occupational ennui negatively correlate with each other : The higher level of social supports they obtain the less occupational ennui they suffer. Teachers’ self-worth and social supports interact with each other in visible measures. Social supports play a role of buffer between teachers’ self-worth and occupational ennui: they may ease off the negative effects brought by teachers’ self-worth and alleviate degrees of occupational ennui.To take more feasible precautions against the birth of occupational ennui and to ameliorate the possible worsening of it if it occurs, it becomes an obligation and to take down-to-earth measures to reinforce themselves and to unite all forces of our society, educational institutions /schools and teaching individuals into one , to assist our teachers to be provided with more and higher social supports and help them to maintain a comparatively high level of self-worth , which will be conducive to the individuals adjusting and becoming master of their demeanors and frame of mind /mood and thus cutting down on their mentally negative liabilities , thereby to elevate the level of their mental health ,to lighten their occupational ennui and to encourage them to proffer positive devotions to bringing up more talents meeting the needs of our country.

【关键词】 教师职业倦怠社会支持自尊
【Key words】 teacheroccupational ennuisocial support/backupself-worth
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】2131

