

The Research of Qiujun’s Achievements as Cabinet Minister

【作者】 方顺姬

【导师】 赵玉田;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 丘濬为有明一代阁臣中一位颇具特点的人物。丘濬值古稀之年经特简入阁。尽管弘治时期的内阁已呈式微态势,丘濬本人又体弱多病,但是,他入阁后,积极筹划谋略,心忧天下,经世情怀尤烈。他多次上书进谏,慷慨论政,希望孝宗远小人,勤政务,防微杜渐,并条陈《大学衍义补》中经世济民主张。毋庸质疑,丘濬是弘治初年一位敢于任事,积极求治的重要阁臣。然而,丘濬生前、身后却多遭品评议论,或被指责为“相业不可称”,或被誉为“弘治中兴”功臣,毁誉参半。当然,丘濬所遭受的指责不乏文人相轻之使然,即清代个别学者对明代学者刻意否定之举;更为重要的是,明代阁臣实为飘摇无定、影从皇权而辗转于司礼监与部员之间的政治角色。阁臣政绩既受制于皇帝的个人状况及当时内阁地位,又为时局即其与部院大臣和掌“封驳”之权的六科的关系所左右。本文认为,丘濬所遭遇的指责多为非历史主义的妄言断语。丘濬在阁时间短暂,又没有特殊机遇,即未遇到“造英雄”的“时势”,又没有改变时势的权倾朝野的地位。但是,丘濬作为弘治初年的重要阁臣,他满怀治国平天下之理想,不因身老体衰而龟缩,而是慷慨激昂,积极经世,敢作敢为,这是当时阁臣中少有的。本文认为,“弘治中兴”局面的形成,丘濬功不可没。另外,本文通过研究丘濬“相业”,揭示了丘濬晚年的社会理想和政治追求,剖析了弘治初年政治状态及内阁运作情况,了解了成(化)弘(治)年间的内阁演变及其与皇权、六部、宦官等其它国家机构的关系,及当时内阁成员之间的关系,并通过微观剖析为阁臣的丘濬复杂而矛盾的心理,以解读明代“丘濬型”阁臣的政治角色及其作用。

【Abstract】 Qiujun was a typical person among ministers in Ming dynasty.He joined cabinet during seventy years of age through the special appointment of Hongzhi emperor. Although the cabinet had emerged declining situation and he was in poor health himself, he designed strategy positively and worried about country in his heart with the feeling of managing state affairs strongly after joining cabinet. He submitted memorials many times,in which he commented on politics generously,in order that Xiaozong keeped away from the base person, managed government affairs diligently,and cautioned against small matters, also stated the views of running a country in Ta–Hsueh Yen-I Pu . Undoubtedly,he was an important minister who dared to act and pursued great order across the land positively. Yet Qiujun has been judged during his lifetime and after his death.He was criticized with not deserving commendation as a minister or was praised understanding person in“Hongzhi restoring”, being as much censured as praised.Certainly,there is no lack of literatis looking down on each other,where this is so, individual scholar in Qing dynasty denied Ming’s scholar deliberately.More important, the ministers in Ming dynasty indeed were political role that swayed without stability under the shadow of imperial power and passed through eunuch and six boards. The achievements of minsiter were conditioned by emperor’s individual situation and cabinet position at that time as well as under the infulence of the current situation which ministers had relation with six boards and system of six supervisory sections in chargy of sealing and refuting.The thesis think,the criticisms which Qiujun encountered were wild talk of unhistoricism.He was momentary in cabinet and no particular opportunity which met the current situation of“creating hero”.He hadn’t the power all over the court of changing current situation.But as an important minister,he was filled with the ideal of managing country.He didn’t shink back because of poor health.He was generous excitedly,managed state affairs positively,and was bold and decisive in action,which were rare in ministers of Ming dynasty. This thesis think, Qiujun’s contribution didn’t bury in the formation of“Hongzhi restoring”.In addition,studying Qiujun’s achievements of minister can reveal social ideal and political pursuit in his old age,as well as analysing political state and the operating of cabinet in Hongzhi early days,so as to understanding cabinet evoling,the relation of cabinet and imperor power,six boards, eunuch and other country organizations in Chenghua and Hongzhi period, knowing the relation among cabinet members at that time.Through microcosmicly analysing Qiujun as a minister complicated and contradictory psychology deciphered the political role and affect of minister such as“type of Qiujun”.

【关键词】 丘濬相业内阁弘治
【Key words】 Qiujunachievements of ministercabinetHongzhi
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】184

