

Utopia of Life

【作者】 任慧丹

【导师】 黄凡中;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 阎连科前期的小说创作呈现出民间写实的认知倾向,接受业已形成的批判传统,并未真正找到属于自己的精神故乡。90年代末期以来,创作主题开始转型。通观阎连科在世纪之交的四部作品,从《年月日》到《耙耧天歌》、《日光流年》,再到2004年的《受活》,阎连科始终把对生命流失的关注,对生命存在的失望,作为一种精神的指向贯穿在他的小说创作之中。在他的这几部小说中,我们看到生存的艰难和生存的本能。作者叙述的过程中却逐渐展现出一种崇高庄严甚至阔大的东西,叙说着人类普遍的要求。阎连科对人之生存本质的关怀,不仅展现了人的生命能量的释放,个性的显现与现实的压抑,对道德的审视等,还对困惑人类的“生死”问题,投入了自己莫大的关注和思考,体现了乌托邦的精神指向。作家的生命乌托邦以苦难的命运为前提,以孱弱的民间拯救为基石,使他一直难以走出循环论的困境和乡土的粘着,尽管如此,阎连科笔下的生命乌托邦用独特的生命体验守护人类的精神家园,向我们展示了充满人性庄严的生命奇迹,并以奇崛的外部表现和内部建构在当代文学中独树一帜;在这个万物疯长的年代里,“用整个生命写作”的阎连科因对文学题材不合潮流的抉择和对生命意义的孜孜探索,而显得可贵。本文辩证的看待阎连科营建生命乌托邦所走过的历程,以期对中国当代文坛带来更多的启示。

【Abstract】 Yanlianke’s preliminary novels show a realistic understanding of civil tendency,accepting criticism of already established tradition, without finding his own spiritual home.Since the late 1990s, he begins with creative theme. Outlook Yanlianke’s four entries atthe turn of the century, the author always takes the loss of life concern and the existence ofdisappointed life as a spiritual orientation to permeate his writing fiction. In several of hisnovels, we see survival difficult and survival instincts. The author describes the process whichhas gradually shown an even wider solemn and big thing, saying the human universal need.Yanlianke’s care for the essence of human, not only demonstrates the human life energyrelease, the appearance of the personality, the reality curb, the examination to ethic, but alsoshows great concern and reflection to human "life and death", and embodies the spirit ofUtopia.The author’s Utopia based on the fate of suffering as a precondition, to save the civilpoor as cornerstone, so he has been difficult to get out of the cycle of life and the plight of theadhesives. Nevertheless, to write about life, Yanlianke’s utopian life in the unique experienceguards the human spirit homes, shows us a solemn human life miracle and has unique externaland internal manifestations in contemporary literature. In this crazy world, "using his entirelife writing", Yanlianke chooses sub-themes of literature to show and to explore the meaningof life, how valuable!This thesis views Yanlianke’s construction journey of life utopia dialectically, with aview to bring more enlightenment to Chinese contemporary literature.

【关键词】 生命乌托邦
【Key words】 LifeUtopia
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】337

