

The Practice Study of Information Ethics Education in Primary School

【作者】 钱松岭

【导师】 董玉琦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 信息技术的飞速发展为教育提供无限的可能,同时也带来很多问题。其中,网络作为一种新的社会文明的载体,给人们带来文明进步的同时,也产生了很多新的伦理道德问题。对信息道德的正确认识,对信息现象和信息行为的善恶标准成为信息化社会个人发展所具备的最基本素质之一。信息伦理教育作为满足这一社会需求的有效途径,其作用不言而喻。本文分四个部分以个人信息保护为中心,结合如何对个人信息保护的理论与教学实践阐述了如何在小学信息技术课程中进行信息伦理教育。细化了小学信息伦理教育的目标,丰富了小学信息伦理教育的内容,完善了小学信息技术课程体系。对信息伦理教育的理论与实践研究有一定的意义。第一部分说明了个人信息的含义、功能以及泄露途径;探讨了个人信息与隐私、隐私权的关系。认为个人信息是隐私的核心组成部分。并结合小学生的特点讨论了小学生个人信息保护的特点、内容与原则。为进一步的研究做了理论上的铺垫。第二部分着重论述了小学生个人信息保护的现状及其特点。从法律保护、儿童网站业界自律和小学生自身个人信息保护的现状三方面进行了调查。在大量的调查研究工作并作分析的基础上,总结出小学生个人信息保护的八个特点:电脑、网络日趋普及,已经是小学生日常生活的重要组成部分;信息化的生活环境发展极不平衡,地域之间差距较大;学生家长、教师的网络个人信息保护意识比较薄弱;学生对个人信息的内容认识不全面;学生对个人信息法律、法规所知甚少。信息技术课程中涉及的个人信息保护等信息伦理教育内容很少,大多以宣讲为主;大多数学生缺乏个人信息保护的方法指导;大多数学生希望了解个人信息知识。第三部分针对上个部分调查研究结果,通过对小学信息伦理的国际比较,根据我国小学信息技术课程的实际以及个人信息保护自身的知识体系,提出了小学个人信息保护的目标、内容以及教学设计原则。在此理论探讨的基础上,开发了一个个人信息保护的教学案例并进行了教学实践。第四部分是在对开发的教学案例的教学理念、教学目标、教学方法教学评价等整个教学过程进行了分析的基础上,对小学信息伦理教育的目标、内容以及教学设计提出了几点建议:(1)、教学目标应分为基础性目标和发展性目标。(2)、信息伦理教育不应该是说教。(3)、在学习过程中设计相应的学习支持工具。(4)、在教学中,综合运用多种评价方式、设计多种评价工具保证对学生的客观公正的评价。

【Abstract】 The rapid development has brought education unlimited possibilities as well asproblems. As a new carrier of social civilization, the internet has brought both theprogress of human civilization and many ethic problems. The correct understanding ofinformation morality and the criteria that people can distinguish good and evil aboutinformation phenomenon and information conductions have become one of qualitieswhich is necessarily for people in an informationized society . As an effective way tomeet this social demand, information ethics education’s impact goes without saying.The article is consisted of four sections. It centers in personal informationprotection. On the basis of the theories and implement of personal informationprotection, the article has exposit how to carry out information ethics educationthrough the information and technology curriculum in primary school. It hasspecialized the objectives, enriched the contents and improved the curriculum systemof information ethics education in primary school. It has a specific meaning to thetheories and implement of information ethics education.The first section of article demonstrates the meaning and function of personalinformation as well as the ways of disclosing personal information. It has explored therelations among personal information, privacy and the right to privacy. It drew up myidea that personal information is the core of privacy and according to the students’characteristics, explored the features, contents and principles of personal informationprotection in primary school which makes a theoretical bedding for the furtherresearchThe second section of article focuses on the status of personal informationprotection and its characteristics. I made a survey in the law protection, children’swebsites and some primary school students and on the basis of the full analysis aboutthese data., I summed up eight characteristics: Computers and internet have becomethe important part of students’ daily life;The informationized environment has adisparate development. The parents and teachers don’t have a strong awareness aboutinternet personal information protection;Students don’t have a full understandingabout personal information’s contents;Students know a little about the informationlaw and regulations;There is a little contents about information ethics contentsintroduced in information and technology curriculum in primary school and most ofthem are preached directly;Most of students are lack of the guidance how to protectpersonal information;A majority of students have a very strong sense to know theknowledge about personal information;The third section of article spoke to the results of the investigation, through theinternational comparison and according to the reality of information curriculum inprimary school as well as the own knowledge system of personal informationprotection. Finally, it produced the objectives, contents and principles of teaching andlearning design. I developed a case and made an experiment on basis of theoryexploration above.On the basis of analysis on the concepts, objectives, methods and evaluation ofteaching and learning about the developed case, The fourth section of article madeseveral suggestions on the objectives, contents and teaching and learning design: First,teaching and learning objectives should be divided into both basic and formativeobjectives. Second, information ethics shouldn’t be didactical. Third, design thesupported tools during the learning process. Fourth, ensure an impersonal and justremark to the students with the synthetic use of evaluating methods and tools

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】205

