

An Analysis of the Relationship between Singapore and the United States in 1965-1969

【作者】 张慧研

【导师】 李晔;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 1965-1969年新加坡与美国的关系是在复杂、特殊的国际、地区形势背景之下形成的。两国关系的形成与发展经历了一个从“疏远”、“接近”到发展的历程。 在这一时期的两国关系中,促成两国关系转变的因素是多方面的。从新加坡方面而言,国家刚刚独立,面临着如何在动荡、复杂的地区形势中生存和发展的严峻问题。由于英国将撤出在苏伊士运河以东的军事存在,新加坡受英国庇护的时代面临终结,新加坡急切需要寻求新的安全保护;就美国方面而言,美国在越南的军事行动不断升级,对共产主义势力的遏制已达到白热化阶段,新加坡不仅处于东亚冷战的边缘位置,极易受共产主义影响,而且对于遏制中国等东亚社会主义国家来说具有极其重要的战略地位。因此,刚刚独立的新加坡何去何从已受到美国的关注。在两国关系的形成与发展过程中,促成两国在共识的基础上接近的因素是新加坡的领导人李光耀美国观的转变以及对美国在越南军事行动的大力支持。同时,美国方面对新加坡的战略利益需求也促使美国采取积极的态度。新加坡在“不结盟”、“不依附于美国”的原则下支持美国:积极维护美国在东南亚地区的军事存在,支持美国在东南亚地区的军事行动。同时新加坡自身也从中收益颇多,利用美国在越南军事行动所提供的缓冲,获得了自身立足和发展所需的资本、技术和相对缓和的外部环境,这是其他东南亚国家所不能比拟的。美国也在军事和商业方面更多的利用新加坡的战略优势。因此这一时期两国关系走向一个良好的互动,各自受益,不断发展的时期。 本文以新加坡国家档案、美国新解密的外交文件为据,以“国家利益原则”和“均势理论”为主要理论分析指导,通过全面考察该时期新美两国关系形成和发展的过程,分析与总结两国关系发展的特点及其影响,以揭示新美两国在1965-1969年间关系发展的全貌。

【Abstract】 The relationship between Singapore and the U.S. in 1965-1969 formed in the complex and special international and regional situation. The formation and the development of the relationship experienced a course from aloof 、 approached to develop.In the course of the relationship between the two nations in 1965-1969, there were many-sided factors influenced the change of it. With regard to Singapore, it just independed and faced how to exist and develop in the turbulent and complex regional situation. Since the British would withdraw the military presence from the east of Suez, the shelter times of Singapore under the British was confronted with end. Singapore was eager to seek new safety protection;while in terms of the U.S., the military operations in Vietnam escalated continuously. The containment to the Communism has reached white-hot phrase. Singapore located not only on the verge of Cold War in the East Asia which was easy to be permeated from Communist, but also have very important strategic position to contain the Communist China and other socialist nations in the East Asia. Therefore it faced what course to follow at the beginning of independence. The U.S. has paid attentioned to this. In the course of the formation and development of the relationship, it were the change of Lee Kuan Yew’s Amercian conception and Singapore’s supporting the U.S. operations in Vietnam strongly that accelerated the approachment of the two nations. Meanwhile, the strategic benefit of the U.S. made it adopt active attitude toward Singapore. Singapore supported the U.S. under the principle of non-aligned and undependence on the U.S.: maintain the U.S. military presence and support the U.S. military operations actively. It made use of the buffer time in Vietnam War to gain the capitah technique and mitigative external environment for its modernization, which was beyond compare for other nations in the Southeast Asia. The U.S. has utilized Singapore’s strategic superiority in military and commercial aspects. In this period, the relationship between the two nations trended toward a good interaction.The article take the National Interses Priciple and the International Balance Of Power as the main theoretical foundation. By inspecting Singapore National Achives and the appropriate foreign relations files of The United States, the article tries to investigate the formation and development of the relatioship between the two nations, analyse and conclude the trait and the influenc of the relationship and reveal the complete picture of the relationship in 1965-1969.

【关键词】 新加坡美国国家安全利益互动
【Key words】 SingaporeU.S.national safetyinterest interaction
  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】303

