

Impact of Land Use on Organic Carbon Storage in the Peatland of East Jilin

【作者】 孙玥

【导师】 王升忠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以吉林省东部泥炭地为研究对象,参照文献资料、地形图和实地调查,首先确定泥炭地边界,然后根据2001年Landsat ETM+遥感影像,对泥炭地土地利用类型进行解译分析,结合实地调查的泥炭开采情况,分析了泥炭地土地利用现状。依据前人研究结果,估算受干扰前泥炭地有机碳储量、土地利用变化后不同利用类型的有机碳损失量、泥炭开采的有机碳损失量以及土地利用变化后泥炭地有机碳储量。最后,分析土地利用变化对泥炭地有机碳储量的影响,得出以下结论:(1)泥炭地分布表现为:富营养泥炭沼泽分布最广,中营养和贫营养泥炭沼泽零星分布;低山盆谷区泥炭沼泽多,熔岩台地中山区和丘陵宽谷区泥炭沼泽相对较少;南老北新。(2)受干扰前泥炭储量约为0.63×10~8t,有机碳储量约为0.1905×10~8t。在空间上,从熔岩台地中山区-低山盆谷区-丘陵宽谷区,有机碳储量逐渐减少,体现了由南到北逐渐减少的特点;在时间上,晚全新世泥炭有机碳储量最多,中全新世泥炭次之,早全新世泥炭最少,并且体现了新多老少的特点。(3)吉林省东部泥炭地土地利用类型有以下四种:未垦泥炭地、水田、旱田和林地。约13785.48hm2的泥炭地被开垦,占泥炭地总面积的77.43%。泥炭地土地利用以旱田开垦为主,水田次之,未开垦泥炭地再次之,林地最少。现已开采泥炭总量约为55.73×10~4t。(4)土地利用对泥炭地有机碳储量的影响主要表现在土地利用类型的变化和泥炭开采两种方式对其的影响。吉林省东部泥炭地现有有机碳储量约为0.1691×10~8t,占受干扰前有机碳储量的88.7%,有机碳损失约214.42×10~4t。其中,泥炭地开垦为旱田的有机碳损失量最大,约123.29×10~4t,占受干扰前有机碳储量的6.5%;开垦为水田的有机碳损失量次之,约为75.45×10~4t,占受干扰前有机碳储量4.0%;再次为泥炭开采造成的有机碳损失,约为17.41×10~4t,占受干扰前有机碳储量0.9%;有机碳损失量最小的是造林,约为6.44×10~4t,占受干扰前有机碳储量0.3%。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the peatland in the eastern part of JiLin province. Accordingto the literatures, topographic maps and field investigation, this paper determines thepeatland’s distributing boundary, then carries on an investigation in the land use types ofpeatland by remote sensing interpretation of the landsat ETM+ images acquired in 2001.Based on the investigation in exploitation of peatland, this paper analyses the land usecharacteristics of peatland. Based on previous researches, the paper estimates the organiccarbon storage of the peatland before disturbance , the organic carbon loss of different landuse types after land use changed,the organic carbon loss after exploitation and the organiccarbon storage of peatland after land use changed. At last, this paper analyses the impacts ofland use change on the organic carbon storage of peatland. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The features of distribution of peatland: Eutrophy peat mire is widespread, themesotrophy and oligotrophy peat mire distribute sporadically;Peat mire is more in basin andrelatively rare in lava plateau and hilly-gully;The southern peatlands are older than that in thenorthern.(2) The reserves of peat is about 0.63 hundred million ton, organic carbon storage is0.1905 hundred million ton. Spatially, the organic carbon storage is decreased form lavaplateau area and basin area to hilly-gully area, from south to north it decreased gradually.Temporally, the organic carbon storage was the maximum in the late Holocene, fewer in themiddle Holocene, and the minimum in the early Holocene. Embodies the characteristics: Thenew peatland is more than the older.(3) The land use of the peatland in the eastern part of Jilin Province is categorized intouncultivated peatland, paddy, upland and forestland. There are 77.43% peatlands(approximately 13785.48 hm2) were reclaimed. The majority type of land use was upland,followed by paddy, uncultivated peatland and forestland. The total peat exploited was 557300ton. (4) There are two major types of impacts of land use on the peatland’s organic carbonstorage: changing the land use patterns and peatland exploiting. The current organic carbonstorage of the peatland in the eastern part of Jilin Province is about 0.1691 hundred millionton (88.7% of the organic carbon storage before disturbance), the organic carbon loss is about2144200 ton. The organic carbon loss is the most serious after peatland have been reclaimedto upland(about 1232900 ton,6.5% of the organic carbon storage before disturbance), thesecond is the organic carbon loss after peatland have been reclaimed to paddy(about 754500ton, 4.0% of the organic carbon storage before disturbance), the third is the organic carbonloss after peatland exploitation(about 174100 ton, 0.9% of the organic carbon storage beforedisturbance), The organic carbon loss is the lightest after peatland have been reclaimed toforestland(about 64400 ton, 0.3% of the organic carbon storage before disturbance)

【关键词】 泥炭地有机碳储量土地利用吉林
【Key words】 peatlandorganic carbon storageland useJilin
  • 【分类号】P618.11
  • 【下载频次】262

