

【作者】 李军

【导师】 高伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 师生关系历来是教育中的一个重要方面,任何对于教育的完整的关照都离不开对师生关系的审视。现代社会中,主客二分的思维方式使得现代教育成为“逻各斯中心”的教育,教师和学生构成教学过程中最基本的两项对立。现代性对理性、终极价值观等的追求致使教育的最终目的仅是为了传递给学生一些有限的、实用的知识,教育的本质也被视为与生产无异的机械物理过程。这就意味着学生作为一个鲜活的个体在被教师以“物”的眼光观照中物化了,教育成了压制和异化人的东西。为此,本文从以颠覆现代性为已任的后现代主义的视角出发,旨在解构处于“异化”泥沼的现代性的师生关系,重构教学过程中人与人之间真正的以平等对话为核心理念的新型师生关系,以期为师生关系走出现代困境找出一条道路。基于后现代主义对现代教育理论的省视和反叛,文章第一部分首先从问题提出的背景、依据以及目前国内外对本课题研究的现状等三个方面探讨问题的缘起,认为以后现代主义的观点重新建构教学过程中的师生关系已成为理论和实践中的必然,这是本文立论的基础。第二部分从对现代性师生关系反思和批判的角度,深刻剖析了现代性师生关系建立的理论依据和主要特征,认为对于诸多内生性的问题,现代教育难以对自身进行现代性的拷问,后现代主义就自然而然地担当起了对教育进行现代性审视的时代任务。在对权威主义、完人主义、科学主义和中心主义的现代性师生关系解构之后,后现代主义赋予了教育过程中的师生关系一种前所未有的精神和品质,文章的第三部分就此以后现代主义的基本观点和主体间性的理论为依据详细论述了后现代语境中师生关系的内涵。文章的第四部分就构建后现代语境的师生关系的核心——教师知识与课程观念的嬗变问题作了充分的论证。本文认为,师生之间主体间性的关系是通过关系双方的主观解释与接纳以后才能够建立的,而这种解释与接纳又总是以一定的知识为基础的。知识不仅为师生关系的建构提供智力的工具,同时也为这种社会关系的正当性提供辩护。因而,构建后现代语境中的师生关系,其核心就在于从后现代主义的视角反思和批判教师原有的现代知识观与课程观,在颠覆现代知识及课程的知识霸权和控制的同时消解教师的知识权

【Abstract】 Teacher-student relations has always been an important aspect ofeducation. Any complete care and attention to education can not bewithout examination of this relation. Due to the existence of thesubject-object binary mode of thinking in modern society, moderneducation has become Logocentrism in which teachers and studentsconstitute the two basic opposing sides in the teaching process. Pursuitby modernity in the ultimate values has resulted in the fact that thefinal aim of education is only to impart students some limited andpractical knowledge. And the essence of education is only regarded asa mechanical and physical process that has no difference fromproduction. This means that students as fresh and live individuals arematerialized in the teachers’ eyes that are filled with contemplation,and education is becoming an instrument to suppress and alienatepeople. This paper is therefore to proceed from the view ofpost-modernism(subversion of modernity is its own task), aiming atdeconstruct the teacher-student relation in the mire of alienation,reconstructing man-man relation in the teaching process, that is thenew teacher-student relation identified by dialogue and enrichedconnotation, and expecting to find a way for teacher-student relation togo out of the predicament.On the basis of visits and rebels of post-modernism againstmodern educational theory, the first section begins with background ofthe question for study, evidence presented, and summary about thequestion abroad and home to discuss origins of the problem. In myopinion, it is necessary in both theory and practice to reconstructteacher-student relation in the teaching process from the perspective ofpost modernism, which forms the basis of argument. Section two, fromthe point of the view of rethinking and criticising modernteacher-student relations, makes a deepgoing analysis of theoreticalfoundation and main features established in the relation. In view of agood deal of intrinsic problems, modern education is unable tointerrogate itself on modernity. So post-modernism naturallyundertakes the task of the age to examine modern education. Afterdeconstructing modern teacher-student relations characterized byAuthoritarianism, Perfect-man doctrine, Scientism and Centralism,post-modernism entrusts unprecedented spirit and quality toteacher-student relations in the educational process. Section three, onthe basis of the main viewpoints of post-modernism and theories aboutthe relation between subjects, discusses in detail the connotation ofsuch a relation in the context of post-modernism.Section four gives a full proof of the nuclear question onconstructing post-modern teacher-student relation, namely the questionof transmuting teachers’ knowledge and opinions towards courses. Thispaper tries to demonstrate that teacher-student relations in the teachingprocess is a type of relation between subjects. This relation can only beestablished through subjective explanation and acceptance by therelational two sides, and such explanation and acceptance are based oncertain knowledge. Knowledge not only offers intelligent instrumentfor construction of teacher-student relation, but also providesarguments for properness in this relation. Hence, the nucleus ofconstructing teacher-student relation in the sense of post-modernism isto rethink and criticize teachers’ original views towards modernknowledge and courses, to subvert their hegemony and control overknowledge, and at the same time to remove teachers’ knowledgeauthority and speech hegemony, expecting to construct the dialoguerelation between teachers and students in the real sense ofpost-modernism.Does it help to construct a new teacher-student relation in theteaching process by applying post-modern opinions? In view ofdeficiency in the study of the question, Section five of the paperdiscusses from the four aspects the possible questions existing inpost-modern teacher-student relations, following after theoreticalintrospection post-modern philosophy. It also suggests constructingpost-modern ideas on education from the view of sublation incorrespondence with our specific national conditions, on the basis ofwhich to construct a new type of teacher-student relation characterizedby democracy, equality and communication, and to promote fulldevelopment and harmony. Theoretical values and practical meaningsof the question are produced thereafter.

【关键词】 师生关系后现代现代性话语知识
【Key words】 teacher-student relationspost-modernismmodernitydiscourseknowledge
  • 【分类号】G456
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】907

