

【作者】 闫妍

【导师】 宋莉莉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 音乐学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪浪漫主义音乐时期被誉为“歌曲之王”的奥地利杰出作曲家舒伯特(FranzPeter Schubert,1797~1828),在西方音乐史上的地位举足轻重。但人们对他的了解主要是歌曲方面的创作,而对他的其它体裁的创作却知之甚少。本文通过对舒伯特《即兴曲》的分析研究,对之进行较为全面、客观、公正的评价。18世纪末至19世纪初,正是西方音乐史上古典主义向浪漫主义过渡的时期,生活在这一特定阶段,舒伯特的创作不可避免的兼有古典主义和浪漫主义的特点,既有浪漫主义的夜晚诗意,又有古典主义的白昼光明,可以说他是西方音乐史上浪漫与古典交替时期承上启下的人物,从他明确的思维和理性的写作手法来看,他属于古典乐派的作曲家;但从他的处事态度、对大自然的特殊爱好,以及音乐的歌唱性、抒情性和富于多变色彩的舞曲性来看,他则属于一个浪漫主义作曲家。人们对舒伯特谈论最多的是他的艺术歌曲,其实他同样还是一个天才的钢琴作曲家。19世纪浪漫主义音乐时期的音乐作品更多的是刻画作曲家自身的细腻的感情,或柔情似水,或热情奔放,都是作曲家自身情感的一种宣泄。钢琴小品在19世纪得以盛行与当时的政治背景、社会发展现状是紧密联系的,对于小品的偏爱是浪漫派作曲家的一个共同特点,他们不象古典作曲家和巴洛可时期的作曲家那样需要宏伟结构建筑的那种理智的力量,他们的兴趣集中在追求细腻的感情刻画、优美的旋律以及瞬间感觉的把握,他们的创作立足于当时的社会又超乎社会之外,力图进入一种完美主义的意境,而舒伯特的《即兴曲》就代表了那一时期钢琴特性曲的特点,这些浪漫主义的新体裁每一篇都像是一幅风俗画,小巧迷人,精致随意,这些作品的随想性、自发性和意想不到的魅力都是浪漫主义的突出要素,它们是舒伯特情之所至自然流露而成,但其中蕴涵了作曲家内心对人生、对生活的影像,又像是诗人内心世界的独白,欢快流畅之余又继承着舒伯特音乐一贯的特点,就是包含更多的旋律的变化和更多感情的释放。通过对舒伯特即兴曲的研究,可以了解舒伯特一些人生情感的变化,特别是他的生命最后两年的内心世界,我们透过他的音乐作品,既了解了浪漫主义时期音乐的特点,

【Abstract】 During the romantic music time in 19th century, Austrian outstanding composerShubert(Franz Peter Schubert,1797-1828) called “King of the song” has an very importantstatus in the western music history. Generally, people only know his song creation, but lesspeople know his other style creations. By analyzing Shubert’s piano music (specially"Impromptu"), we wish to give him a comprehensive, objectively and fair appraisal.From 18 Century’s end to19 century’s beginning, it’s precisely the western music historytransitional stage from classicalism to romanticism. Living in this specific time, Shubert’screations inevitable have the characteristics of both the classic time and the romantic time.His music has the night poetic sentiment of romanticism, at the same time, the daylightsunshine of classicism. It can be said he is a connective figure of romanticism and classicismin the western music history. From his explicit thought and the rational writing technique, hebelongs to the classic music composer;but from his life attitude and the special interest in thenature, as well as his music for singing, lyricism and changeable colorful dancing, he belongsto a romanticism composer.People mainly discusses Shubert’s artistic songs, while he is a talent piano musiccomposer, too. Music works of romanticism in 19th century mostly portray composer’s ownexquisite sentiment, sometimes extremely gentle, sometimes overflowing with enthusiasm,and all is a kind of divulgence of the composer’s own emotion. The vogue of pianoopusculum in 19th century has a close connection with temporal political background, thesocial development situation. Romantic composer’s common characteristic is the favoritism toopusculums. Unlike the classic and Baroque period composers, they didn’t need the greatrational strength and their interests were concentrated on portraying of exquisite sentiment,grazioso tune as well as holding the moment feeling. Their creations were based on thesociety of that day at the same time surpassed the society to try to enter an ideal area.Shubert’s "Impromptu" was representative for the piano characteristic tune at that time. As forthese new romantic music styles, each one was exquisite and enchanting, smart and free, likea genre painting, Vagrant thoughts, spontaneity and the unexpected charm of these works, allwere the romantic prominent essential factors. These works were made from Shubert’s naturaloutpourings of sentiment, at the same time they contained the composer’s innermost feelingsto the life and the living. They were just like the monologue of the poet’s innermost world, notonly cheerful and smooth, but inheriting Shubert’s music consistent characteristics, that is,more changes of tunes and more sentimental release.By studying Shubert’s impromptus, we may understand Shubert’s changes of life andemotion, especially his innermost world of the last two years in his life. Through his musicworks, we can understand the characteristics of romanticism music, study Shubert’s artistictechniques by which he could portray emotion with music and his music accomplishment. Atthe same time, his music works have also provided us with the research foundation tounderstand the development of piano characteristic tune.This article is divided into the foreword, three parts in the middle of the article and theconclusion. This is the brief introduction to every parts of the article below:Foreword: Research significance and present situationBy studying massive literature, the author summarizes the present situation and thelimitation that people studies Shubert and Shubert’s music. Therefore, studying Shubert’spiano "Impromptu" will be helpful for us to look on the great composer completely anddialectically;on the other hand, analyzing and studying his creation style will help us to havea further understanding of his romantic music characteristics and provide us with morecomprehensive information to study the western music history.Chapter Ⅰ: Shubert’s biography and backgroundWe should firstly understand his time background when we study any composer or a work.Anyone all cannot avoid being influenced by his time, so does Shubert. Shubert’s works havealso been influenced by his days, and reflected the temporal society and esthetics trend.Studying the time background can help us to research into the issues from the reality morefairly, comprehensively, objectively, and dialectically.Chapter Ⅱ: the appearance of piano impromptu style"Impromptu" is a kind of lyric characteristic tune of instrumental music in 19th century.It is a kind of middle and small scale music created freely and impromptu with moderatelength and fine form which is equal to the artistic song of piano music. It mostly is the naturaloverflowing of the composer’s feeling and seldom pursues external techniques. The structureis simple and clear;the style is free and often emerges the exquisite melody;the chord turnsout very colorful. This chapter discusses the necessity of impromptu appearance, as well asthe connections between instrumental music, vocal music and literature, etc.Chapter Ⅲ : the main creative characteristics of Shubert’s piano impromptusThrough analyzing and comparing Shubert’s eight impromptus, the author will researchinto the main characteristics of impromptu creation from the several aspects as follows: thesinging of melody, the techniques of subject variation, the change of rhythm, the processing ofsound, the utilization of tune mode and the structure of musical form and understand Shubert’smusic thought more comprehensively and systemically.Conclusion: the characteristics of Shubert’s piano musicShubert’s piano music has an important status in the western music history and its artisticvalue is inestimable. Shubert’s works have linked the two important times successfully inmusic history-classicism and romanticism and unified these two styles together naturally.What’ more, his works have afforded the basis for the music development and evolution.

  • 【分类号】J609.5
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】906

