

【作者】 张吉良

【导师】 傅丽霞;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在人类认识和科技发展史上,人们执著于追求精确性却发现用精确性方法处理模糊事物的无效性,才使人们认识到模糊性的价值,随之而诞生了模糊理论。模糊理论的诞生,打破了经典科学以追求定性定量分析为唯一方法的垄断地位,为我们提供了新的非定性非定量的模糊分析方法。传统语文阅读教学在科学主义教育观的影响下,致力于追求课堂教学的精确化,严重忽视学生的主体地位,学生的创造性、个性与情感受到压抑,最终导致语文阅读教学效率低下。语文课堂教学中诸多模糊现象的存在,决定了它理应被置于模糊理论的观照视野中。因此,语文阅读模糊性教学应受到足够的重视以弥补精确性教学的不足。本课题试图通过理论研究和实践探索构建一种“语文阅读模糊性教学艺术”的体系与框架,树立精确教学和模糊教学相统一的教学观念,改革当前语文阅读教学中的种种弊端,以期最终实现语文阅读教学科学化与艺术化的完美统一,进一步拓展和完善教学艺术论的研究。全文共分五个部分。第一部分为对语文阅读模糊性教学的认识。包括模糊性教学的内涵和实施模糊性教学的理论基础及模糊性教学的意义。模糊性教学受到模糊理论和接受美学理论的启示,模糊理论使我们认识到模糊性的巨大价值,接受美学理论的“召唤结构”思想认为文本解读的过程是一个模糊体验与创造的过程,二者都为语文阅读模糊性教学提供了极富价值的参照体系。模糊性教学的意义在于它有利于重新确立学生的主体地位,能够培养学生的创造性思维和对语言的直觉感受能力,能使学生在阅读中体验、感受到美,回归审美阅读。第二部分为语文阅读模糊性教学实施的依据。模糊性教学实施的具体依据为,语文文本存在大量模糊性信息,这是实施模糊性教学的客观依据,它包括模糊语言的运用以及文本内容的模糊性;而接受主体思维与审美心理体验的模糊性,是模糊性教学得以实施的主观条件。第三部分为语文阅读模糊性教学的原则。实施模糊性教学必须遵循“非指示性”原则,对文本的阅读,要基于学生独特的体验,教师要“不指示学习目标”、“不指示问题答案”,在教学过程中要进行模糊化处理,让意义在动态中生成,使

【Abstract】 Theory of fuzziness (TOF) came into being after the ineffectiveness of seeking forexactness and the value of fuzziness were realized in the history of humanrecognition . The birth of TOF breaks the monopoly status of seeking qualitativequantitative analysis in classical science and provides us a new fuzzy analysisapproach .With the influence of scientific educational outlook , the traditionallanguage reading teaching aims at seeking for exactness and ignores students’ statusas teaching main body , creativity and emotions , which leads to inefficiency.Therefore , fuzzy teaching in chinese reading (FTCR) should be emphasized to makeup the insufficiency of accurate teaching approach . The paper attempts to build up aframe and system of FTCR , establish the teaching opinions of combining accurateteaching approach and fuzzy teaching approach and do away with the currentdisadvantages in FTCR.The paper consists of five parts.The first one mainly discuss the recognition to FTCR , which includes itsconnotations , theoretic base and significances.Fuzzy teaching approach is enlightenedby TOF , which makes us realize the great value of fuzzy teaching .The significanceof fuzzy teaching approach is to rebuild students’ status as teaching main body , todevelop their creation and aesthetic sentiment.The second part mainly concerns the basis of the application of FTCR . Theobjective basis is that a large amount of fuzzy information does exist in chineseteaching and the subjective basis is the fuzziness of students’ cognition and aestheticsentiment.The third part is the principles of the application of FTCR . Firstly , theapplication must be followed non-instruction principle . Students’ individual taste forthe text should be made by themselves without teacher’s instructions such as studyingaims and answers to the questions. Secondly , fuzzy teaching should be based on theintegration principle as a result of the integrity of texts and students’ experience ,which help students to understand the whole thinking way and fundamental key ofsentiment. Thirdly, the perfect condition is that students and teacher understand eachother at the same time . Fourthly , fuzzy teaching must be combined with accurateteaching so as to realize the effective teaching result .The fourth part is the methods of FTCR. Firstly , reading-sensing method.Reading texts aloud can make students immersed in the charming of arts to taste thecontents of texts. Reading-sensing method based on reading texts aloud is just one ofthe effective methods transforming fuzziness into exactness. Secondly, intuitionguessing method. Guessing in the reading process is necessary as a result of theambiguities of texts and the unsymmetrical communications between texts andstudents. Students must be encouraged to guess boldly with their intuition , animportant way to develop language sense and a necessary component of creativethinking. Thirdly, eliciting method. It is the specific embodiment of elicitationmethods of teaching and fully considers the fuzziness in Chinese reading. Theteacher’s timely eliciting are capable of arousing students’ imaginations andassociations . The key of the method is to master the moment and the key points.Fourthly, stimulating imagination method. This method can help students readbetween the lines and understand the connotations of the contents of the texts.The last part points out the problems which must be focused on in the teachingprocess. The purpose of the paper is to adopt fuzzy teaching approach to grasp thefuzzy information that is difficult to understand with accurate teaching approach .Fuzziness and accuracy are a pair of parallel concepts . Under certain conditions , theycan be transformed .

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】190

