

【作者】 王丽霞

【导师】 郭根生;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是一篇结合教学实际研究高职计算机专业的《C++语言程序设计》实验课的教学设计的论文。撰写此论文目的是改善传统的程序设计语言实验课的上课方式,形成适合高职生特点和培养目标的实验课授课模式,培养学生的探索创新精神和快速学习及实践的能力,完成高职教育的培养生产第一线的技术应用型人才的培养目标。高等职业教育在近几年来随着社会经济的发展取得了长足的进步,其培养目标有别于普通高校教育,传统的教学过程已经不适合高职生的教育,特别是对于计算机专业的《C++语言程序设计》这一实践性很强的课程而言更是如此。作为一名高职生教师,应该改变计算机程序设计实验课上让学生放任自流上机实验或完全在教师一步步指导下进行编程练习的状况。为了设计出适合高职生计算机语言程序设计实验课的授课模式,本论文在第二章主要回顾了有关教学设计的知识。许多教学设计专家认为教学设计要以学习理论、教学理论、传播理论和系统科学理论为理论基础。而且在学习理论的主要影响下,目前教学设计主要有三种模式,即传统的以教师为中心的教学设计模式;基于建构主义的以学生为中心的教学设计模式和既发挥教师主导作用又充分体现学生认知主体作用的“主导—主体”教学设计模式。由于《C++语言程序设计》是一门实践性很强的课程,仅靠教师上课讲授是不够的,学生必须上机实践。而且该课程逻辑性强,需要学生自己针对具体问题建立数学模型进行编程,即需要学生自己进行知识的意义建构,因此在该课程实验课的实施中应该遵循以学为主的教学设计进行教学。这一教学设计遵循了学生的认知规律,为学生创设了一个主动参与的环境,将教学活动设计成学生主动学习的过程,使学生在主动学习过程中学会获取知识的方法,达到培养能力的目的。在本论文的第三章主要讨论了以学为主教学设计的特征、指导原则、步骤、方法及设计中的要素,为教师进行以学为主的教学设计奠定了理论基础。本论文的第四章主要讨论了在以学为主教学设计的指导下,进行《C++语言程序设计》实验课的教学实践过程。教师根据教学目标设计上机实践题目,确定实验课的操作流程,将实验课分课前、课中和课后三步进行。并重点对课中和课后进行了以学为主的教学设计,阐述了课堂中封闭实验室的自主学习和课堂外开放实验室的协作学习的设计实施过程,并且针对这两种实施过程设计了不同的评价方法。在本论文的最后,指出以学为主的教学设计符合学生的认知规律,把以学为主教学设计应用到具体的实验课教学当中去,将教学活动设计成学生主动学习的过程,将会使学生在主动学习的过程中,学会获取知识的方法,达到培养能力的目标,同时也希望对其他从事计算机程序设计语言教学的教师有所帮助和启发。

【Abstract】 This thesis is on the teaching design of C++ language program designexperiment course of vocational college students majored in computer,integrating practical teaching experience. The objective of this thesis is toimprove traditional teaching methods of program design language experimentcourse, form the teaching mode suited for the character and cultivation goalof vocational college students, and develop students’ exploring and creativespirit, the ability of rapid study and practice, complete the objective ofdeveloping technical professionals on the front line of production. Higher vocational college education has made quiet great progress recentlywith the development of social economics. The cultivation goal differs fromthat of general university education and traditional teaching process hasn’tsuited higher vocational college students, this is particularly true as to C++language program design course which is a practical one. As a vocational collegeteacher I should change the status in which the students are let alone toexperiment on computer or do the program designing exercises completelyaccording to the teachers’ guide. In order to design the teaching mode suited for vocational collegestudents’ computer language design experiment course this thesis mainlyreviews knowledge on teaching design in chapter 2. Many specialists in teachingdesign think that teaching design should be based on study theory, teachingtheory, transmission theory and systematic science theory. Besides, influencedby study theory current teaching design mainly has three modes: traditionalteaching design mode centering on teachers;teaching design mode centering onstudents based on constructivism;teaching design mode involving bothteachers’ guiding role and students’ role as cognitive principle part. Because C++ language program design is a quite practical course merelyteaching in classroom is not enough, it requires the students’ practice oncomputer. Having strong logic this course requires students set up mathematicalmodel to program, i.e. construct the significance of knowledge. So in theapplication process of this course we should follow the student-centeredteaching design. This design is in accordance with the students’ cognitivelaw and help to create an initiative environment involving the students’initiative study, from which the students can acquire knowledge and meet thegoal of cultivating abilities.In chapter 3 the character, principles, steps, methods and elements ofdesign are discussed, establishing the theoretical base for the teaching designcentering on students’ study.In chapter 4 the practical teaching process of C++ language program designcourse directed by the teaching design centering on student is discussed. Theteacher designs practice subject on computer according to the teachingobjective, confirm the operation flow of experiment course, divide the courseinto 3 steps: pre-course, in-course and after-course. Besides the teachingdesign centering on study is carried out primarily on pre-course andafter-course. The author expounds the implementation process of the design ofindependent study in closed laboratory in class and in open laboratory afterclass;and designs different evaluations toward the two implementationprocess.At the end of the thesis, the author points out that the teaching designcentering on students accords with the students’ cognitive law, we shouldapply it to specific experiment course teaching and design the teachingactivities into the process of students’ independent study. This would makestudents learn how to acquire knowledge in their independent study and meetthe goal of cultivating abilities. At the same time the author hopes it willgive some help and inspiration to other teachers who teach computer programdesign language.

  • 【分类号】TP312.1-33
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】479

