

Effects of Meihualubianjing on Oligospermia and Asthenospermia in Rats

【作者】 胡敬海

【导师】 王春喜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过梅花鹿鞭精对成鼠生精功能影响的实验研究,分析梅花鹿鞭精对少精症及弱精症的疗效及作用机制,为临床治疗男性不育提供实验依据。实验中用雷公藤多甙造成雄性不育大鼠模型,经实验后讨论梅花鹿鞭精高,低剂量及克罗米酚对雄性大鼠不育模型主要性器官系数,血浆性腺激素水平,附睾精子质量及睾丸组织学变化的影响。结果证实该药物对大鼠睾丸生精上皮和间质细胞具有修复作用,能够改善睾丸生精上皮的数量和质量,减轻间质水肿;能增加大鼠附睾精子数量、活率及活力。

【Abstract】 Objective To study the curative effects of Chinese herbmeihualubianjing capsule on oligospermia and asthenospermia andanalyze its mechanism.Methods Forty-five super Wistar mature male rats wererandomly divided into five groups: the normal control (five), themodel control (ten), the treatment group by lower dose (ten), thetreatment group by higher dose (ten), the treatment group byclomifene (ten). Except for the normal group, all the other four groupswere lavaged with GTW (20mg/kg) once a day for thirty days, so weestablished animal infertility models of rats. Then the treatment groupby higher and lower dose were perfused with meihualubianjing once aday for thirty days, the higher dose is 2g/kg, the lower dose is 1g/kg.The treatment group by clomifene were perfused with clomifene oncea day for thirty days, the dose is 5mg/kg. Then all the rats were killed,serum were separated from blood, semen were imbibed from tail ofepididymis, Pathological histological examination was performed onthe testis. Then we compared the improvements of general seminalparameters, the level of hebin in serum, and the histological change oftestis before and after treatment.Results ① Compared to model group, small and large-dose groups hadsignificantly higher spermatozoal concentration, and score ofspermatozoal activity (P<0.05).② Small and large-dose groups have significantly greaterconcentration of andrusol in serum and ratio of weight between testisand body than those of model group(P<0.05).③ The above-mentioned effects were significant in small-dosegroup than those in large-dose group (P<0.05).Conclusion Chinese herb meihualubianjing capsule hasremarkable effect on oligospermia and asthenospermia with adose-effect relationship;the improvements on testicular andepididymal function underlie these effects.

【关键词】 雷公藤多甙少精症弱精症梅花鹿鞭精
【Key words】 GTWoligospermiaasthenospermiameihualubianjing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】R285.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】168

