

The Neotectonics Movement and Its Effect on Environment and Resources in Menba Area, Tibet

【作者】 黄映聪

【导师】 杨德明; 和钟铧;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 第四纪地质学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 新构造运动造就了门巴地区现代的地形地貌,对门巴地区的资源环境具有重要的影响。利用遥感影像三维可视化技术与地理信息系统技术快速获取了门巴地区的新构造地貌特征;根据野外实地调查获取的年龄数据,确定了该区的新构造运动分期;利用RS与GIS技术快速准确提取门巴地区的水系分布特征,获得了该区新构造应力场的分布特征;并探讨了该区新构造运动机制及新构造运动对门巴地区的环境资源及地质灾害的影响,具有重要的实践意义和社会效益。文章还探讨了水系走向的计算方法,并选择Mapinfo和Microsoft Excel结合求解水系方向的方法,解决了困扰新构造研究者多年无法快捷准确求取水系走向的问题。

【Abstract】 This paper is based on the project of 1:250,000 geology survey of Menba sheet sponsored by China Geological Survey.The Neo-tectonics movement is quite active in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, which has strong effect on natural environment, resources distribution and geology disaster in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and adjacent regions. It’s an important way to probe into the mechanism of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’s uplift by study on unique features of lithosphere structure and tectonics-landforms, especially continuous serious deep thermal-tectonics in central plateau. To study the Neo-tectonics movement in Menba area, central plateau can not only provide reference to compared study in any other regions, limiting the era of Neo-tectonics Movement; but also discuss the effect of plateau uplifting on environment & resources. Moreover, it is important to probe into the mechanism of plateau’s uplift.The Miocene Granite(about 790km2, average altitude about 6000m), a part of Nianqingtanggula Granite batholith, locates on two sides of the Dangxiong-Lhasa Fault in N-E direction, mostly are covered with present glaciers. The studys of dating, geochemistry and location on the granite show that it is related to Gulu fault in space and times. The granite may be related to the stretch of crust in E-W direction which maybe the result of deep thermal-uplift spreading, or uni-influence of deep thermal-uplift spreading and collision orogeny in central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The 3D geology-landforms model is made supported with RS and Gis techniques and the study on the step-like landforms in Menba area shows that, the mountain-top-surfaces with different altitude, which belong to one plantation surface formed in late Oligocene and dismembered since 18Ma, are

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】P546
  • 【下载频次】170

