

A Study on Water Rights under the System Right of Things

【作者】 常海燕

【导师】 杨丽珍;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 经济法, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 水资源是一种既具有经济价值又具有生态价值的宝贵自然资源,是人类社会不可或缺的基本生活资料之一。但是,日益严重的水资源短缺问题已经成为制约我国国民经济与社会发展的瓶颈。水权理论是缓解水资源供需矛盾,促进水资源合理使用的新突破,当今世界许多国家通过研究水权理论找到了解决用水危机的有效途径。我国的水权研究起步较晚,“水权”一词仍然只是一个学术概念,争论颇多,尤其是在法学领域内至今难以形成统一的认识。在我国现有的法律体系中专门就水权问题的规定仅散见于民法中的相邻关系和水法中,没有完善的法律体系对水权予以充分保障,也就无法做到依法治水和高效用水。 本文试图从物权法基本理论入手,采用比较分析的方法,对水权的概念、性质、相似概念和相关物权制度进行多视角、全方位的理论研究。全文共分为六个部分,约3万余字。通过深入探悉水权的物权性质及其内涵,得出以下结论:水权派生于水资源所有权,同时又区别于水资源所有权和水所有权,是一种具有公权性质的私权。在性质上,水权首先具有一般物权的基本特征和效力。但是,由于水权客体具有流动性、多样性等特点,不宜将其定性为传统的用益物权,而将水权定位为准物权,则能够深刻表达以水权为典型的自然资源利用权与传统物权之间的关系,有助于立法和法律体系的协调统一。在立法模式上宜采用由物权法对水权作出原则性规定,由特别法对具体的水权制度加以详细规定的做法。笔者希望通过对水权的物权法研究,使得模糊庞杂的水权理论在法律体系中找到一个清晰的定位,将水权理论应用于司法实践之中,从而弥补我国现有水权法律制度的不足,早日构建和完善科学合理的水权法律体系。

【Abstract】 Water, as a natural resource, is one of the basic life necessities, which has precious value not only on economy but also on ecology. In recent years, the shortage of water resource becomes serious obstructions to our country’s development. Water rights play an important role in solving the water crisis in the world. Many counties, which making use of this theory, achieve good results. But studies on water rights are lagging in China. In our law system, there are seldom legal articles involving in water rights, excepting civil law and water law. Therefore, it is an urgent task to define water rights and perfect the law on water rights system.This paper begins with theories of the typical right of things, deeply comparing and analyzing conceptions, properties, institutions of water rights. The whole paper consists of six parts, about thirty thousands words. Through the deeply studying on the relationships between water rights and typical right of things, analyzing the conceptions and characteristics, we can draw the conclusion that: First, water rights originate from water proprietary rights, there are so many different features on them; Second, water rights are private rights

【关键词】 水权物权性质用益物权准物权
【Key words】 water rightsthings rightpropertyquasi-property right of things
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】D923.2;D922.66
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】265

