

Investigation of Water Bloom Control and Water Quality Service of Shichahai Water System in Beijing

【作者】 段艳萍

【导师】 王宝泉;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 什刹海水系是北京城市河湖水系的重要组成部分,被喻为“北京的心脏”。由于近年来经济的发展和北京城市人口的增加,加速了城市河湖的富营养化进程,使什刹海水系几年来在夏秋季出现不同程度的以铜绿微囊藻占优势的蓝藻水华,水质较差,严重影响了周围居民的生活,并且不利于北京旅游业的发展。本研究通过现场取样测量和实验室试验研究分析了水体中主要水质指标和水华爆发的关系。 什刹海水系营养盐含量高(全年TN:2.457mg/L,全年TP:0.134mg/L),水体透明度低,最低时只有23cm,透明度(SD)、叶绿素a、总氮(TP)、总磷(TP)、CODGr五项指标的TLI值均在57—99之间,表明北京什刹海水系水体均已达到了富营养化和重富营养化程度。北京什刹海水系水华主要控制因子可分为物理化学因素和生物因素。其中物理因素主要有水温、光照和生态环境需水量,水温是主要影响因素;化学因素主要是藻类生长的限制性因子总氮和总磷。而叶绿素a做为浮游植物生物量的指标和估算浮游植物生物量的参数,和水体中上述各指标有都有一定的相关性。 本研究在水华爆发季节用现场小型试验的方法筛选出几种有效杀藻剂,并且在实验室内对这几种有效杀藻剂进行最佳投加时间点和最佳投加量的杀藻效果试验。所选用杀藻剂主要有氧化性化学药剂二氧化氯、非氧化性化学药剂十六烷基三甲基溴化胺(CTAB)、异噻唑啉酮以及两种生物制剂大麦杆萃取液(BSE)、植物化感物质。通过试验可知化学药剂中CTAB的杀藻效果最好,二氧化氯次之,异噻唑啉酮较差:两种生物制剂中BSE效果较好,在藻类生长迟缓期投加时25ppm的投加量即可具有100%的杀藻效果,而植物化感物质的杀藻效果较差,特别在藻类对数增长期投加时反而促进了藻类的生长,其杀藻机理有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Shichahai River system ,an important part of Beijing city’ water system,is known as the heart of Beijing. Recently the development of economy and the increase of urban population in Beijing accelerate the process of the entrophication,so the water quality aggravates and water bloom of blue algae, Shichahai River system microsysis is the dominant specie, occurs in every summer and autumn of recent year in Shichahai River system. All these seriously affect the lives of resident surrounding and are disadvantage ous to the development of the tourism. This search analyse the relation between the water bloom and the main index of the water body by sampling in field work and test in the lab.Shichahai river system water body has low transparency (0.23m)and high level nutrient salts(with TN2.457mg/L,TP:0.134mg/L),TSIM of five targets(TN,TP,CODcr,SD,Chla)are from 57 to 59,which indicated entrophication of Shichahai River system. The main controlling factors of water bloom are physical factors,chemical factors and biological factors. Water temperature is the main factor among physical factors such as water temperature, illumination and water requirement of ecological environment. Chemical factors are TN and TP, which are the main restriction facor of the algae growth. And Chla,which is the index of phytoplankton biomass and parameter to estimate the phytoplankton biomass,has relativity with the index above.The research screened out some effective medicaments by fieldwork experiment when water bloom exploded and did the experiments in the lab with them to determine the optimal time and quantity. The research chose ClO2(oxidant), CTAB and Methyichloroisothiazolinone (antioxidant),BSE and allelochemical(biological medicament) as the algae-killing medicaments. The results showed that among chemicals CTAB had the best effect of algae-killing,then did ClO2,the worst isMethylchloroisothiazolinone. Between the two kinds of biological medicaments,BSE had the better effect,when it was added on the lag time,25ppm could inhibit the algae growth absolutely and the mechanism of allelochemical should be studied more,it can accelerate the growth of algae when it was added on the logarithm time.

  • 【分类号】X524
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】222

