

【作者】 黄海燕

【导师】 鄢一美;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文讨论的是租赁权的性质问题。全文分为前言、正文和结论三部分。前言部分主要说明了有关租赁权性质的三种不同学说,指出了研究租赁权性质问题的意义,并对本文的研究思路作了初步说明。正文包括四章。第一章内容是租赁权的概念和关于其性质的不同学说,本章首先界定了租赁权的概念,并把租赁权划分为承租人对出租人之权利和承租人对租赁物之权利两个部分;接着列举了有关租赁权性质的三种不同学说,由于这三种学说的争论焦点主要围绕租赁权是物权还是债权展开,因此本文以物权和债权的区分作为逻辑起点。第二章内容是物权与债权的区分。本章首先从历史沿革、体系基础和权利特性等方面介绍了物权与债权区分的形成,接着指出物权和债权的区分与物权契约和债权契约的区分具有因果关系,这是私法自治原则之要求与体现,即在交易中,物权与债权产生的法律基础是物权契约与债权契约。第三章主要对租赁契约的性质和租赁关系中的交付与登记的性质作了分析。本章认为,租赁契约的性质是债权契约,故通过租赁契约产生的承租人对出租人之权利是债权;然后本章对不同情境下的交付的性质进行了分析,指出买卖关系中的交付的性质是一个物权契约;接着本文从占有的角度对租赁关系中的交付的性质进行了分析,指出租赁关系中的交付是个事实行为,不是物权契约,不能导致物权产生,因此租赁物交付之后承租人对租赁物之权利同样系于租赁契约,属债权性质;最后对租赁关系中的登记的性质作了补充说明,认为它与交付相同,不是物权契约,不能使租赁权变成物权。第四章是对租赁权物权化现象及其原因的分析。本章首先介绍了租赁权物权化的经济和社会背景,接着对租赁权物权化的具体体现作了说明,然后对租赁权物权化现象作了剖析,指出占有与租赁权物权化之间存在密切关系,是占有的保护功能和继续性功能强化了租赁权的效力,使承租人受到了类似物权的保护,最后对有关租赁权性质的其他不同学说进行了评析。最后是本文的结论部分。这一部分对各章的主要观点进行了总结,在此基础上得出租赁权是债权性质的结论,并指出租赁权物权化现象是占有的保护功能和继续性功能所致。

【Abstract】 The treatise discusses the nature of leasehold. It consists of introduction, body andconclusion.The introductory part demonstrates three different schools involving the nature ofleasehold ,clarifies the significance of the research into the nature of leasehold ,andmakes a preliminary illustration of the treatise’s studying thought.The body includes four chapters.The first chapter concerns the concept of leasehold and the different views on itsnature held by different schools. The chapter firstly delimits the concept of leasehold andcompartmentalizes it into the right of lessee toward lessor and the right of lessee towardleasehold property;then the chapter enumerates the ideas of the there different schools.Since the center of the dispute is whether the leasehold is real right or obligatory right ,the treatise makes the distinction between real right and obligatory right as its logicaldeparture.The second chapter is about the difference between real right and obligatory right. Itdescribes the formation of real right and obligatory right from the perspective of itshistorical development, system foundation and right particularities. Following that, thechapter points out that there exists the relation of cause and effect between the distinctionof real right with obligatory right and the distinction of contract of real right with contractof obligatory right, which, as the requirement and embodiment of the autonomy ofprivate law ,means that the legal basises for real right and obligatory right in business arecontract of real right and contract of obligatory right.The third chapter analyzes the nature of the lease contract and the nature of deliveryand registration in a leasehold relation. Firstly, since lease contract is a typical contract ofobligatory right, the right of lessee toward lessor given by the lease contract is obligatoryright. Secondly, it analyzes the nature of delivery in business is actually a contract of realright. Thirdly, it gives an analysis of the nature of delivery from the point of view ofpossession, pointing out that the nature for the right of lessee toward leasehold propertyafter the delivery of leasehold property is still obligatory right ,now that delivery in leaserelation is a factual behavior which can not lead to real right . Finally, it gives acomplementary explanation to make clear that registration in a lease relation, as delivery,is not a contract of real right, hence could not transfer leasehold into real right.The fourth chapter concerns the phenomenon and reasons of the real right of theleasehold . Putting it into its economical and social background, the chapter specifies andanalyzes its actual behavior ,with the conclusion that possession ,whose protective andcontinuing function strengthen the validity of the leasehold so as to ensure the lesseeenjoy the real-right-like protection, has a close relation with the real right of leasehold.Finally, the chapter comments other schools’ ideas about the nature of leasehold.The conclusion part ,based on the generalization of the ideas of the above chapters,points out that leasehold has the nature of obligatory right and the phenomenon of thereal right of the leasehold is caused by the protective and continuing function ofpossession.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】480

