

The Research and Implementation of S-Video/CVBS Interface, Image-Processing and Driving Circuits for Title Screen Plasma Display Panel

【作者】 刘承成

【导师】 沈继忠;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电路与系统, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 自上世纪90年代开始,平板显示器件(FPD)受到越来越广泛的关注。经过十余年的发展,平板显示器件已渗透到人们生产生活的许多方面。在手提电脑、PDA和手机等领域,液晶显示屏(LCD)以其“小轻薄”、低功耗、高画质的特点而独占鳌头;在大屏幕显示方面,等离子体显示屏(PDP)以其大视角、高对比度、高分辨率等优势而显示出越来越强的竞争力。 平板显示器件的发展也推动了与其配套的显示系统的发展。显示系统通常是围绕着某种特定的显示器件而设计的,一般可以分为接口电路、图像处理电路、驱动控制电路和显示器件四个部分。接口电路决定了显示系统对不同格式信号的兼容性;图像处理电路将输入信号转换成符合驱动电路要求的格式和时序;驱动控制电路是与显示器件结合最为紧密的一部分,对系统稳定性,图像质量,显示效果等都产生直接影响。 本文涉及了以平板显示器件为核心的显示系统设计的几个主要方面。在成功实现一套配备S-Video/CVBS接口的LCD显示系统的基础上,论文对平板显示器件S-Video/CVBS接口电路设计做了分析和总结。在图像处理电路方面,文中讨论了伪轮廓现象及其成因,同时提出了基于抖动算法减轻静态伪轮廓现象的方案。文中给出了对两种抖动算法的推广,同时还对算法进行了适当的简化,使之便于通过FPGA硬件实现。最后,结合项目涉及的拼接式等离子体显示屏的驱动电路,论文提出了在提高驱动电路稳定性和降低功耗方面的一些措施,这些措施被应用在项目的设计中,并取得了很好的效果。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, more and more attentions have being put on Flat Panel Display (FPD). Nowadays, FPD can easily be found in lots of products. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is widely employed in laptop computers, PDAs and mobile phones because of its small volume, low power consumption and high-quality display effect. Meanwhile, in the field of large screen display, Plasma Display Panel (PDP) featuring high contrast, high resolution and wide visual angle, shows great advantages in competition.The design of display system, which is usually based on specific display equipment, is propelled by the development of FPD. Generally, a display system consists of interface converting circuit, image-processing circuit, driving & controlling circuit and display equipment. Interface converting circuit makes system compatible to certain signal format. Image-processing circuit provides proper sequence and image signal for driving & controlling circuit, which directly links to display equipment and shows great influence on display effect and system stability.This dissertation includes some important aspects of display system design based on FPD. First, an analysis is given on how to design an interface converting circuit and also an implementation of S-Video/CVBS interface for LCD is explained in detail. In this dissertation, dithering algorithm is introduced to solve "false contour" a phenomenon appears when the grayscale level of an image is decreased. Two kinds of dithering algorithm are modified and simplified for the implementation on a FPGA. Finally, getting experience in the design of a PDP driving circuit, several approaches are given on improving system stability and cutting down power consumption.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期
  • 【分类号】TN873
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】190

