

The Causes and Countermeasures of Social Vulnerable Group in Urban Area

【作者】 邱美珠

【导师】 罗兴佐;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 经济体制改革使我国进入社会转型,伴随着计划经济向市场经济的转轨进程,我国政治、经济、文化等方面取得了巨大的变化,并为我国在21世纪的进一步发展注入了生机和活力。然而改革和社会转型也使我国的各种社会关系发生了深刻的变化,社会成员处于分化、定位、整合的过程中。作为改革开放、社会转型期的代价,“弱势群体”日益成为我国当前的一个独特而带有普遍性的问题。本文试图以城市弱势群体中的下岗失业人员为研究对象,采用问卷调查和访谈的实证研究方法,并走访S市统计局、民政局、劳动局等相关职能部门,对S市城镇登记失业人数、下岗失业人员的年龄结构、岗位分布、下岗失业前后家庭人均收入等情况进行了详细的问卷调查和摸底。对因下岗失业而导致的再就业困难和心理困境也进行了分析和统计。在掌握了大量资料的基础上,本文着重探讨下岗失业现象产生的原因,从国家由传统向现代转型、市场经济体制的确立、下岗失业人员的个人素质等几个层面展开分析。通过下岗失业的成因分析,可以看出下岗失业是我国经济建设深层矛盾的外化表现形式,是我国传统就业制度和就业政策的积淀物,同时也是我国经济体制转换过程中的正常社会现象。政府应充分发挥其宏观调控职能,采取积极措施缓解因下岗失业而带来的社会震荡。借鉴近年来学术界提出的就业政策,针对S市的具体市情,笔者提出的对策主要体现为确立就业优先的经济发展战略;加快制度创新,确保国民经济的持续高速增长;调整经济结构,扩大经济增长的就业容量;适当调控进入劳动力市场的人员数量;建立劳动力市场机制,实现劳动力的合理流动;尽快建立和完善社会保障体系。

【Abstract】 Restructuring the Economic Systems is a turning point of Chinese economy. Great changes have taken place in Chinese politics, economy and culture area during the process from planned economy to market economy. These changes will motivate Chinese development in the 21st century. Accompanied by reforms and changes in economy, profound transformations have occurred in social relationships. Different social members are under the situation of polarization, orientation and adjustment. As the price paid for the reform and opening to the outside world, Social Vulnerable Group becomes a problem that always troubles us.In view of this situation, the layoffs of Social Vulnerable Group are taken as the object to conduct an investigation. The methods used in this research include: questionnaire, interview, and survey data analysis.The interviews are made with officers from the Statistic Bureau, the Civil Administration Bureau and Labor Bureau in S City. The questionnaire contains the detailed information of the layoffs, such as the quantity, the ages, the positions distributed, and the income before/after layoff. The reemployment difficulties and mental problems have also been taken into consideration. Basing on the data collected, this research mainly explores the causes of the layoffs. As can been seen, the layoffs are resulted in the State’s strategy turning from traditional to modern, the establishment of market economy, social vicissitude as well as the low quality of layoffs themselves. The analysis figure approves the fact that the layoffs implicate the inner contradiction of economic construction. The layoffs are regarded as the deposition of traditional employment policy and so is acceptable phenomenon in the State’s economic changing process. Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. To begin with, positive macroscopic strategies shall be made by the government to release the social shock due to the layoffs. Moreover, for the sake of S City, other methods should be reinforced to help the layoffs out of their difficulties. The suggested countermeasures are: taking employment-orientation economic strategies, ensuring to steadily develop the economy by continuous innovation in system, improving employment ability by adjusting economic structure, properly controlling the labors into the job market, adopting flexible measures to allow labor floating and completing the social security system.

【关键词】 弱势群体下岗失业就业
【Key words】 Social Vulnerable Grouplayoffunemploymentobtain employment
  • 【分类号】D632
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】284

