

The Firo and the Differences among the State-Owned Architectural Enterprise Staff

【作者】 王俊

【导师】 李晔;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 国企内部的人际关系问题一直是社会普遍关心的热点话题。管理学、心理学都从自己的专业角度对此进行了大量的研究。本文则在问卷调查的基础上,对国有建筑企业职工的关系取向及其层级差异进行了实证研究。 首先是对职工关系取向观念所作的研究,从四个层面来衡量,即关系中心论观念、关系身份论观念、关系资源论观念、关系目的论观念。本次研究发现,国企职工有关系决定人或事的本质与意义的观念,并且在人际关系决定个人发展、认清自我身份两种观念上存在职务级别差异。 然后是对职工认知关系取向所作的研究,从两个层面来衡量,即关系类别化认知、关系层次化认知。本次研究发现,国企职工有将关系类别化、层次化认知的倾向,并且在对关系类别化的认知以及圈子意识方面存在职务级别差异。 最后是对职工行为关系取向所作的研究,从四个层面来衡量,即关系和谐化行为、关系平衡化行为、关系依靠化行为、关系优势化行为。本次研究发现,国企职工在行为方面有以关系为中心的倾向,并且在容忍性、区别对待职务级别不同职工、交往主动性、拉关系、企业内交往行为上存在职务级别差异。 在了解国企职工对待人际关系的基本取向及其层级差异的同时,本文还研究了企业内裙带关系状况与职工关系取向的关系,研究结果表明,企业内群带关系状况与职工绝大多数的人际关系观念之间,与职工对人际关系的认知、行为取向之间有很强的相关。 另外,本文还从本次研究了解到的职工交际行为中提取了相关的企业内人际关系特征:(1)亲缘关系在职工心目中有弱化的趋势、职工在私人问题上对单位的依赖程度降低。(2)职工同职务级别内的交往比跨层交往更普遍。(3)中层管理人员在企业内跨职务级别的交往最多,交往范围最广阔。

【Abstract】 Human relations in state-owned architectural enterprises is a hot topic in China. Management scientists and psychologist have done plenty of researches on this subject. The purpose of this paper is to explore the firo and the differences among the state-owned architectural enterprises staff on the basis of a questionnaire survey. The paper consists of three parts.The first part is about the research on the transactional principle orientation of the staff. This topic can be proved from four layers: whether the staff considers human relations as the most important factor in the way of life; whether human relations decides their identity; whether they consider human relations as a kind of resource; whether they consider human relations as the goal of their life. The finding is that human relations has been considered as the decisive essence and meaning of life, what’s more, those workers in different positions have respectively differences on the views on human relations deciding personal development and self-identification.The second part is about the transactional cognition orientation of the staff. This topic can be proved from two layers: whether the staffs classify their relations; whether the staff grade their relations. The finding is that these two assumptions are true; what’s more, those workers in different positions have respectively differences on the views on the cognition to classification and circle awareness.The last part is about the transactional behavior orientation. The topic can be proved from four layers: whether the staff takes actions on behalf of harmonious relations; whether they take actions to balance it; whether they make use of and get benefit from it; whether they take actions for getting special relationship. The finding is that the staff takes different actions after different relations; what’s more, there are differences between the staff and workers in different positional levels in most respects of this layer.Besides aforementioned contents, the connection between nepotism and firo in state-owned architectural enterprises is also studied. The assumption and the finding are consistentMeanwhile, the features of the human relations in state-owned architectural enterprises are induced according to the data: the importance of genetic relationship get weaker, and staff becomes more independent to their unit; communication in the same

  • 【分类号】D412.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】143

