

The Confrontation between Sea Power and Land Power

【作者】 冯淑兰

【导师】 刘从德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际政治, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 “海权对抗陆权”是地缘政治学中最有影响力的世界观之一,这种世界观认为:海权和陆权是一对天敌,它们之间的对抗是一种历史地理规律,是贯穿于世界历史的最持久的主题。马汉的“海权论”和麦金德的“陆权论”共同构成了“海权对抗陆权”的理论基础,其他地缘政治学者也从不同方面分别论述或丰富了该理论。本文试图用这种世界观来观察和解释几个世纪以来大国在欧亚大陆的争夺和对抗,并以观察到的事实来论证:海权和陆权的对抗不仅发生在过去,现在也还在延续,它们的出现根源于地理因素而非人文因素,因此,任何政治变革都无法改变这一事实。 19世纪的国际关系史由英国和俄国的激烈对峙构成,它们的对外行为都受到了地缘因素的影响。英国海权控制着欧亚大陆的边缘地带,而占据了心脏地带的俄国则试图在边缘地带上寻求出海口,由此导致两国在黑海海峡、中亚和中国东北的大角逐。20世纪,美国取代了传统的英国海上地位,苏联也因为在二战中的胜利成为世界上最大的陆权国家。冷战期间,它们一个从心脏地带向边缘地带扩张,一个从边缘地带向心脏地带进行遏制、包围,在欧亚大陆边缘地带的三条战线上展开了近半个世纪的地缘竞赛。 随着东欧剧变,苏联解体,冷战以心脏地带的失败而告终,但历史的地理规律仍在延续。两洋战略代表了美国在冷战后应对新的地缘政治现实,谋求全球霸权的思路。它的核心内容是占据两洋(大西洋和太平洋),控制两洲(欧洲和亚洲),依托两约(北约和美日同盟)、遏制两国(俄罗斯和中国)、摄取两权(海权和陆权),并最终包围心脏地带。 中国是海陆兼备型的国家,位处欧亚大陆地缘战略区域与太平洋地缘战略区域交汇的边缘地带,夹在美国和俄罗斯两大势力范围之内。因此,未来中国的地缘战略选择应坚持海陆兼顾的地缘战略原则,积极慎重处理大国关系并妥善处理台湾问题。

【Abstract】 The confrontation between sea power and land power is one of the most influential world view of geopolitics. It believes that the sea power and land power is a pair of natural enemies. The confrontation is a geopolitical law of history, also is the longest topic that pierces through the world history. It bases on the sea power theory of Mahan and the land power theory of Mackinder. Other geopolitical thinkers also discussed or enriched the school from different aspects. The author of this article tries to explain the fight and resist among superpowers in the Eurasia for centuries by this world view, furthermore, to prove that land power-sea power struggles happens not only in the past, but also in present day. It sources in the geography factor rather than the humanities factor, therefore, no political changes can change this fact.In 19 century, in geopolitical terms, international relations may be characterized as a struggle between Britain (control the Eurasian-African Rimlands) and Russia (hold the heartland), they clash on the strait of black sea, central Asia and northeast of china. As in 20 century, the United States replaced the traditional position of British sea power, Soviet Union also became the biggest land power in the world because of its victory in world war Ⅱ .In the period of Cold War, one of them expanded from the Heartland to the Rimland, the other contained and surrounded the Heartland from the the Rimland, they launched a geopolitical competition on 3 lines of the Rimland.Along with the upheaval of Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Cold War ended with the failure of the Heartland, but the geopolitical law went on. The strategy of two oceans of the United state represented their new way to catch global hegemony, replying to the new geopolitical reality after Cold War. It relies on two treaties(NATO and U.S.-Japan military alliance), aims at occupying two oceans (Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean),controlling two continents(Europe And Asia),holding two powers(sea power and land power) and surrounding the Heartland for the final purpose.China is a land-sea power, it lines in the Rimland between Eurasia and Pacific Ocean, adjoin with United States and Russia. Therefore, the geopolitical strategy of China in the future should be: Strengthen both sea power and land power, deal with multilateral relations among great powers modestly and resolve the problem of Taiwan properly.

  • 【分类号】D81
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】854

