

LiangQiChao’s Family Education Thought Study

【作者】 张红霞

【导师】 王玉德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 梁启超是中国近代史上的杰出人物,“以龙卧虎跳之才,建震天动地之业”,他既是引领社会潮流的时代巨人,又是百科全书式的学术大家,堪称中国近代的启蒙大师和精神领袖。但鲜为人知的是,梁启超还是一位成功的父亲,他以深深的舔犊之爱精心作育九位儿女,从而演绎出满门俊彦的家族传奇。梁氏从社会际遇及阅历感悟出发,以其独特的理智灵感教育子女。本文运用历史学、教育学、社会学等方面的知识,再现了作为父亲和文化名人的显赫人物——梁启超的家庭教育思想,例如从地缘关系、人文环境、社会特征角度探究梁氏家教思想的形成背景;从家族、家庭、家风方面揭示这一思想内涵;运用家庭教育的概念及诸要素评析梁氏家教特色,提出了一些鲜明的命题与观点,例如“博爱教育”、“趣味教育”、“为学与做人”、“寒士家风”。 全文注重文献研究,运用了《饮冰室合集》、《梁启超年谱长编》、《梁启超未刊书信手迹》、《梁启超家书》等大量文献,尤以第一手资料,即梁启超写给子女的书信居多,凸显亲情在家庭教育中的重要性,展示出梁启超家庭教育的独到之处——“人的教育”,诸如独立人格的培养、国民意识的养成、个性的解放以及人所面临的求学、择业、价值取向等众多问题,还从子女成才的角度阐明梁氏家教思想的效力。全文突出理性分析,不仅是从血缘关系、更多的是从文化承传关系点明梁氏家庭教育中人文精神的价值取向,例如以好学上进为荣、以学术报国为志。文章紧密联系现实,分析了转型社会背景下家庭教育的变化及问题,为当今家教提供指导和借鉴,具有一定的理论价值和现实指导意义,并对以往研究梁启超家庭教育的不足之处作了较为全面的补充和深入的探讨。 本文分绪论、正文、余论三部分。绪论介绍梁氏家教思想的研究现状及学术前沿成果。正文分三章,第一章,梁启超家庭教育思想的形成背景;第二章,梁启超家庭教育思想的内容;第三章,从梁氏儿女成就解析梁氏家教特点,每一章又分若干子标题。余论论证梁启超家庭教育的现实意义和可行性,并对其思想的若干之处提出质疑和商榷。

【Abstract】 Liang Qi Chao was a quite influential figure in Chinese modern history, he leaded the past era for nearly one century,and he was an enlocypeadia scholar . His strong patriotic thought and magnificent academic achievement are admired very much by future generations.The study of Liang Qi Chao has always been a heated topic. However it was little knowen that he was still a successful father , nine of his offspring all have proud achievement. His family education thought embody academic value orientaton and behaves value orientaton, which have profound educational meaning. Furthermore,we can see Liang’ s personality charming and spirit inspiration from this thought ,which still have great educational value. Everyone is cultivated in family from beginning and is companyed by the family education for all life. Family education decides the developing direction of one person. So, it is the major problem concerned by society. Under today’ s social transition, various family problems occur one after another despite human’ s vitality is highly promoted, that makes us recognize and readjust our today’ s family education. This paper aims at exploring the backgound , content ,and characteristic of Liang’ s family education thought, absorbing the positive part and offering guidance and reference for present family education , which hoped to solve some family problem.

【关键词】 梁启超家庭家庭教育家风
【Key words】 Liang Qi Chaofamilyfamily educationfamily culture
  • 【分类号】G78
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1403

