

Research of New Financial and Economic Weekly in China

【作者】 刘瑞琪

【导师】 蔡骐;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 新闻学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,财经类媒体的迅速崛起成为我国传媒发展过程中的一道亮色,其中尤以《中国经营报》、《21世纪经济报道》和《经济观察报》最受业界和学界关注,并将这三家报纸称为新财经周报。现有的研究文献或探讨其迅速崛起的原因,或思考其发展壮大的途径,或将之与国外主流财经媒体进行比较,虽然文章数量不少,但大多缺乏综合考察和系统梳理。 笔者基于三大新财经周报本质上是在新的历史时期和社会背景下产生,且在受众定位、资本构成、新闻理念和运作模式等方面皆有别于传统经济类报纸的新型财经报纸,综合运用了传播学、新闻学、经济学和社会学的相关理论,并借鉴当前国际先进财经报纸的经验,对三大新财经周报进行系统、全面的讨论。在系统梳理新财经周报的定义、兴起背景、发展历程和特点的基础上,一方面把抽样对比的量化方法运用到对三大新财经周报内部竞争态势的分析中,通过具体例证比较三者在受众定位、内容编排、版面设计及品牌推广经营等方面的同与异;另一方面,又将新财经周报与财经杂志、新财经日报分别进行比较,研究其外部竞争态势。 市场需求不足、专业人才以及新闻资源的匮乏是制约新财经周报向综合性财经日报转变的主要瓶颈。在全球化的背景下,新财经周报如何应对门户网站以及国外财经媒体的严峻挑战已经成为一个迫在眉睫的话题。本论文通过对网络媒体与新财经周报之间关系的分析,指出未来财经传媒可能发展成包括网络、手机、报纸、电视等多种形式的立体载体。在外国财经媒体大举进入国内,机遇与挑战并存的条件下,财经媒体市场将会进一步细分。随着新财经报纸在竞争中发展壮大,中国必将出现象美国《华尔街日报》及英国《金融时报》那样具有高度影响力的主流财经媒体。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the blooming of the financial and economic weekly becomes an important feature in the development of communication. Among these weeklis, there are three newspapers—the 21th Century Economic Report, Economic Observer and Chinese Business, which are more concerned and called "new top three financial and economic weeklis" by the business and academia. Though scholars have done much researching work in the fields of grow-up reasons, development methods and the compare with foreign media, these literatures need comprehensive survey and systemic consideration.As the three weeklies came into being under a new historic and social circumstance, they differed from orginal economic papers in media orientations, capitals, communication ideas and operation modles. As a result, we decided to use the theories of communication, journalism, economics and sociology to make a thorough and systemic research on this subject. The concept, features and current situation of the three weeklies are firstly analyzed. On one hand, we compared the three new financial and economic weeklies separately from aspects of market orientation, content arrangement, format design and band popularization for its exterior competitive surroundings. On the other hand, we compared the new financial and economic weeklies with magazines and dailies, in order to find their exterior competition.We came to the conclusion that lack of market demands, talents and news resources are the main obstacles, which forbid new weeklies changing into dailies. Under the global background, the new finance and economics weeklies should facing the interior and exterior challenges from foreign and internet media. The future financial media will become a complex with internet, mobile phone, newspaper and TV ect. Under such circumstance, the market will be subdivided further, and some willgrow up to mainstream media like Wall Street Journal and FinacialNews.

  • 【分类号】G219.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】279

