

Trial Study on Tang Cai-chang’s Political Thoughts

【作者】 孙桃丽

【导师】 饶怀民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 唐才常是中国资产阶级著名活动家,是中国近代史上一位非常复杂而又极其重要的历史人物,综观唐才常的一生,他主要做了两件事情,一是积极参与戊戌维新运动,一是发动和领导自立军起义。唐才常是戊戌维新和湖南维新运动的重要骨干,在发动和领导自立军起义过程中,唐才常思想发生转变,并为之奋斗牺牲。唐才常的这种上下求索和牺牲自我的爱国主义精神将一直激励着今天的我们为祖国的繁荣富强而奋斗。本文拟从唐才常一生的实践活动入手,对其政治思想及其演变进行研究,主要从以下四个方面进行探讨。 第一部分论述唐才常的早期爱国主义思想。唐才常所受的家庭教育、学校教育以及交游阅历的影响形成了他的早期爱国主义思想:忠君与爱国并存、科举仕途和改革图变并存。 第二部分分析从甲午战败至戊戌变法这一时期唐才常的政治思想。甲午战败后,深重的民族危机、与谭嗣同的个人交往以及唐才常积极参与维新运动,从而使唐才常的政治思想发生了变化,由早期的爱国主义思想发展演变为维新思想;其维新思想的主要内容主要包括:要求发展民族资本主义经济、提倡资本主义民主政治、主张平等的外交政策、抨击封建思想文化。 第三部分探讨从戊戌政变至自立军起义失败这段时期唐才常从维新思想到革命思想的转变过程。主要从三个方面加以论述:1.反清革命思想是这一时期唐才常政治思想的主流。从唐才常在“政变”后的言论、他思想的主客观条件及其发展趋势来看,虽然唐才常后期的政治思想中反清革命思想与勤王思想两种成分并存,有“决定不认满清政府有统治中国之权”、“以立宪自由之政治权与之人民”;同时也有“复起光绪帝”之内容,但唐才常领导自立军起义的真正意图是要推翻清政府,由资产阶级掌握政权,实行西方的议会政治;而“复起光绪帝”的含义是什么呢?光绪帝名义上作为国家元首,实际已非封建帝王,而被看作资本主义国家政权中的开明君主;“忠君爱国”、“勤王”旗号在某种意义上来说已经作为一种策略,同时也反映出唐才常政治思想在过渡阶段的矛盾、惶惑状态。2.唐才

【Abstract】 Tang- Caichang is a famous man of action of the bourgeoisie and a complicatedT and very important person in China . Tang- Caichang has acted two things,one is to take part in WuXu Reform actively,the other is to launch and lead ZiLi Army revolt. Tang- Caichang is a chief mainstay of WuXu Reform and especially in HuNan,In the course of launching and leading ZiLi Army, Tang- Caichang’s political thought has further changed and laid down his life for it at last . Tang- Caichang’s patriotism will encourage all of us to struggle for our motherland’s flourishing and prosperous ecomomy forever.According to the practice struggle in Tang- Caichang’s life ,the article mainly researches his political thought and historical evolution ,and the article consists of the next four factors.Part 1 discusses Tang- Caichang’s earlu stage thought as patriot.His family education 、 school education and a wide circle of acquaintances forms his early stage thought as patriot、 the imperial exzamination and reformism.Part 2 analyses Tang- Caichang’s political thought from the Sino-Japanese War to WuXu Reform .After the Sino-Japanese War,the exetremely serious state 、 himself social contact with Tang-Sitong and his active taking part in WuXu Reform.This makes Tang- Caichang’s political thought chang ,from patriotism of his early stage to modernization .His thought about reformism includes four factors : develop ecolomy If capitalism 、 democracy political power of capitalism 、 advocate equal diplomatic policy and lash out at feudal culture.Part 3 makes an inquiry into the Tang- Caichang’stransforment course from reforment to revolution.It refers to three factors:the thought to fight against Qing Danasty is his main thought in this stage,after 1898,according to what Tang- Caichang has written,his subjietive thinking;objective condition and development trend ..although his late political thought contains two aspects: revolution and reformism 、"decide to fight against Qing Danasty "、confer constitutionalism liberty to people .At the same time ,it contains restore GuangXu emperor .But lead ZiLi Army revolt and his real idea is to Dverthrow Qing Danasty,the bourgeoisie grasp political power and take real parliament policoy into practice ,but to be feudal emperor ,but "to be loyal to his country "and "save the emperor "to some degree is tactics,but at the same time it reflects Tang-Caichang ’s contradiction thought .2. what is the main reason of fighting against Qing Dynasty. 3.the concrete expression fight Qing Dynasty.Part 4 appraises Tang-Caichang ’s political thought.Because of the limitation of time and class , Tang-Caichang hasn’t transformed the Revolution Party in his life at last ,and he is in the course of transforment from reformism to revolution.

  • 【分类号】K251
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161

