

On the Development of English Communicative Competence of Non-English Majors under the Constructivist Theory

【作者】 周慧芳

【导师】 刘学明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国对外交往的日益扩大,英语的作用越来越明显,使用范围也越来越广,对英语学习者的交际能力也提出了更高的要求。然而,受传统教学法的影响,学生的英语交际能力却一直得不到相应的提高。许多学生,尤其足接受了多年英语教育的大学生,仍然是交际“残废人”,英语“聋哑人”,空有一肚子学问,却在真实的交际环境中说不出话来。为了改变这一现象,笔者认真研读了一种全新的教学理念—建构主义学习理论,发现它所倡导的教学方法与学生英语交际能力的培养有许多吻合之处。据此,我们提出了自己的观点,创设了—套旨在提高学生英语交际能力的建构主义教学模式,并提出了一种适合该模式的以任务为基础的交际能力教学方法,最后通过一个实例演示了该教学方法的实施过程。 除了前言和结论外,本文分为四章。第一章论述了该论文的理论基础。首先提出了建构主义理论的基本内含及其心理学根源,简要介绍了六个基本的建构主义分支,并在此基础上总结了建构主义的知识观、学习观和教学观。然后论述了交际能力的定义及交际教学法的特征。最后总结了建构主义理论与交际能力理论的共同之处,如它们都强调学习者的主动积极参与,都强调活动的真实性,都强调“做中学”。第二章简单指出了非英语专业学生英语交际能力的现状。第三章提出了—个教学过程的社会建构主义模式,该模式的四个基本要素为:老师、学生、任务、情境。它们处于—种动态变化的过程。最后一章讨论了该模式的实际操作,提出了一种以任务为基础的交际教学法,并通过教学实例来演示谚方法的实施过程。 最后,在总结归纳全文的基础上,作者认为,学生英语交际能力的培养单靠课堂教学是远远不够的。著名教育家叶圣陶先生说过“教是

【Abstract】 With China’s extensive contacts with the outside world, English is used more frequently on a lot of occasions. This undoubtedly has a higher request of Chinese English learner’s communicative competence. But affected by the traditional teaching method, the learner’s communicative competence has not been improved much yet. Many students, especially the college students, who have been taught English for several years, are still the "crippled" in communication and are the "deaf" and "dumb" in English. Though they have got some knowledge of English, they can not speak out and express themselves in English in real communicative contexts. In order to change this phenomenon, we have studied carefully a total new teaching concept—constructivist learning theory and found that the teaching approach it advocates has some common places with the requirement of the development of the students’ English communicative competence. According to this, we put forward a constructivist teaching model aiming at improving the students’ communicative competence and creates a task-based communicative approach in this model. Finally, the thesis demonstrates the implemental procedure of this approach through an example.Besides the introduction and the conclusion, this thesis contains four chapters. Chapter One discusses the theoretical background of the thesis. First it begins with the basic concepts of the constructivist learning theory and its psychological origins and briefly introduces the six branches of constructivism. And based on mis, it summarizes the constructivist perspective on knowledge, learning and teaching. Then it delineates the definition of communicative competence and the features of communicative language teaching. At last it sums up the similarities between constructivist learning theory and the communicative competence theory. They both put emphasis on the learner’s active participation, on the reality of the activities and on the advocacy of"Learn by doing". Chapter Two states the status of the non-English majors’ communicative competence. Chapter Three proposes a constructivist teaching model, whose four key elements are: the teacher, the learner, the task and the context. They arc in a dynamic and ongoing process. The last chapter discusses the practical implementation of the model, advocates a task-based communicative approach and shows the implemental procedure of the approach through an example.Finally, the conclusion of the thesis is given. And in the conclusion, we point out that it is not enough at all that die learners only confine their competence training to classroom teaching. The famous educationist Ye Shengtao once said "the aim of the education is for ’not educating"’. The aim of our teaching is not only to teach basic knowledge, but also to teach the students the ways to solve problems, to let the students study by themselves. In the same way, the development of students’ communicative competence also depends on learners’ own persistent efforts and conscious practice after class. Only in this way can the students’ communicative competence be really unproved.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】335

