

Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Lycium Chinense Mill

【作者】 岳瑾

【导师】 高志奎; 徐践;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以茄科植物菜用枸杞(Lycium Chinense Mill)为试验材料,分别从环境生态因子、植物自身气孔运动特性及光合生化动力学模型等三个方面研究了菜用枸杞的光合作用,力求揭示菜用枸杞光合作用的特性及规律,为更深一步研究其光合作用机理奠定基础,并为实际生产提供理论指导。 1.自然条件下,菜用枸杞的净光合速率日变化类型为“双峰”型,遮荫、恒温、外施高浓度CO2均不能改变其日变化类型,只对其“午睡”现象起缓解作用;光照、温度是导致菜用枸杞“午睡”的主要生态原因。菜用枸杞的光合效率日变化类型为“凹弧”型,遮荫、外施高浓度CO2均不改变其日变化类型,温度是影响其光合效率日变化的主要生态因子。 2.菜用枸杞的光合特性参数呈现“生态因子型”差异。增大光强可提高菜用枸杞的光合适温、CO2饱和点、CO2半饱合点,降低CO2补偿点;增高叶温可提高菜用枸杞的光饱和点、半光饱和点、CO2饱和点:增施CO2可提高菜用枸杞的光合适温、光饱和点、半光饱和点,降低CO2饱和点。 3.菜用枸杞的气孔在白天为不均匀开闭,气孔相对开度主要集中在0.2~0.7之间。气孔相对开度与净光合速率、气孔导度均呈极显著的对数相关关系。在叶片上所有气孔的相对开度均较小时(0.1<气孔相对开度<0.6),光合作用主要受气孔限制;在叶片上所有气孔的相对开度均较大时(0.6<气孔相对开度<1),光合作用主要受非气孔限制。 4.通过Farquhar生化模型的拟合效果判断:在高光强(PAR>600μmol·m-2·S-1)条件下,光合作用主要受非气孔限制,即经历了从RuBP再生限制阶段(Wj)向Rubisco数量与活性的限制阶段(Wc)再向磷酸丙糖利用能力限制阶段(Wp)的过渡过程。在低光强(半饱和光强)条件下,光合作用主要受气孔限制。

【Abstract】 This study used environment ecological factor, motion characteristic of stoma and Farquhar’s biochemistry model to investigated Photosynthesis of Lycium Chinese Mill, so as to open out characteristic and rule of Photosynthesis of Lycium Chinese Mill ,further to gave groundwork to photosynthesis mechanism and provided theoretic suggests for production practice at last.1.Daily variation type of Lycium Chinese Mill net photosynthesis rate is double peak type in natural conditions.Under shading、 fixed temperature and heavy CO2 concentration couldn’t change the type ,only can be mitigate the middy depression of photosynthesis;Illumination and temperature are main ecological factors which cause the Midday Depression .Apparent quantum yield daily variation of Lycium Chinense Mill is arcs of recesses type ,shading and increased CO2 concentration treatment cann’t change its type ,but the temperature is the main ecological factor which effect the apparent quantum yield.2.Photosynthesis characteristic parameter of Lycium Chinense Mill appear ecological factor difference .Optimum leaf temperature (Topt) ,CO2 saturation point (CSP ) ,semi-CO2 saturation point (semi- CSP) increase;CO2 compensation point (CCP) decreases as increasing photosyntectis available radiation;light saturation point (LSP) ,semi-light saturation point (semi-LSP) ,CO2 saturation point (CSP) increases as increasing leaf temperature;Topt,LSP,semi-LSP increase and CSP decreases as increasing CO2 concentration.3.Stomatal aperture of Lycium Chinense Mill was non-uniform closure in the day , most of the stomatal aperture between 0.20.7 . Stomatal aperture was greatly related to net photosynthetic rate、 stomatal conductance .When stomatal aperture all smaller ,the stomatal limitation became the main factor of photosynthesis;when stomatal aperture all bigger ,the non-stomatal limitation became the main factor of photosynthesis .4.Analysed through result of Farquhar’s biochemistry model ,Under high photosynthetic available radiation (PAR > 600 n mol’m^’s"1), the non-stomatal limitation is the main factor of photosynthesis and show a transfer of wc,wj,wp;under low photosynthetic available radiation (semi-LSP) , the stomatal limitation the main factor of photosynthesis.

  • 【分类号】S649
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】243

