

Research on the Occurrence and Control of the Thrips in Cornfield

【作者】 马嵩岳

【导师】 董建臻; 王振营;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来随着耕作制度的改变、气候条件的变化,玉米蓟马在夏玉米区发生严重,且有愈演愈烈的趋势,已成为玉米苗期的重要害虫。本文针对如何控制玉米田蓟马的发生和为害,进行了如下研究:玉米田蓟马的优势种及其发生动态、其在田间的空间分布类型、对蓟马进行了室内饲养并测定了其过冷却点、蓟马种群与天敌的种群消长动态之间的相关性、控制蓟马危害的方法技术,包括物理方法田间悬挂蓝色诱虫板和化学方法药剂拌种等进行了研究,主要结果如下: 1.通过苗期将玉米逐叶剥除直接观察法,结合抽雄期后,套袋调查法调查玉米田蓟马的种类和数量,在河北省廊坊市玉米田间共发现五种蓟马,分别为:玉米黄呆蓟马Anaphothrips obscurus (Müller)、禾花蓟马Franklinielle tenuicornis Uzel、稻单管蓟马Haplothrips aculeatus Fabriecius、横纹蓟马Aeolothrips fasciatus (Llinnaeus)和塔六点蓟马Scolothrips takahashi Priesmer,以禾花蓟马、黄呆蓟马和稻单管蓟马为主要种类,其中以禾花蓟马为优势种。 2.通过五点取样,每次调查1000株玉米,逐叶记录蓟马数量,通过6种聚集度指标,测得蓟马在春、夏玉米田的各个时期的空间分布类型均属于聚集分布,且属于一般负二项分布,其聚集原因主要是玉米蓟马的群集危害习性所致。 3.过冷却点是抗寒性的一个重要指标。用TMC-40A霜箱温度检测/控制器测定了室内饲养的禾蓟马的过冷却点,其过冷却点呈单峰下降形曲线,其体温随时间的变化逐渐下降,在达虫体过冷却点时,曲线上升,到体液冰点时曲线又开始下降。室内饲养了5个月后测定的40头禾蓟马的过冷却点均值在—10℃左右,最高—5.31℃,最低—19.88℃,体液冰点均值低于0℃。 4.玉米田内蜘蛛、瓢虫和小花蝽是主要的捕食性天敌类群,通过直接调查法,双对角线五点取样,每次定点定株调查200株玉米,记录蓟马、蜘蛛、瓢虫和小花蝽的数量,通过相关系数的计算,分析玉米田天敌与蓟马种群动态之间的相关性。夏玉米田中,瓢虫和三种天敌总数与蓟马的数量消长有极显著的正相关关系,小花蝽与蓟马的数量消长有显著的正相关关系,而蜘蛛数与蓟马的数量消长的相关关系不显著,说明瓢虫和小花蝽是蓟马的重要捕食性天敌。天敌与蓟马之间存在着大约20d的时滞效应,即在起步时间和数量上,天敌滞后,存在着追随现象。因此在蓟马发生初期最好是不用药,或选用对天敌影响小的药,尽量保护天敌,以使天敌的数量可以进快的得到增长,达到控制蓟马的效果。 5.蓟马有趋蓝的习性,利用蓝色诱虫板对蓟马进行诱集,可以减少蓟马的产卵和危害。研究结果表明,蓝板其对蓟马的防治效果。结果表明悬挂蓝板的处理区蓟马数显著低于对照区的蓟马数,悬挂蓝板的防虫效果最高时,可达75%,最低时仍在60%左右,尤其在玉米苗期防效最好,为75%左右。 6.蓟马主要在苗期为害,因此本文选取了一些内吸性强的药剂拌种来对其进行防治。

【Abstract】 The occurrence of the thrips in summer cornfield in summer-sown corn region is caused by the tranformation of the cropping system and the change of the climate in recent years. The corn thrips became the important pest insects in the corn seedling stage. In this paper, experiments were carried out in langfang city, Hebei Province from May to November in 2005, to invetigate the species of thrips and the dorminant species, the spatial pattern, population the occurrence, population dynamics of the thrips and its relationship with the predators, control measures including blue board tempting insects and seeds coated with chemical insecticides, and the suppercooling point of the thrips reared in laboratory was also tested. The results are as follows:1. The species and population dynamics of thrips in cornfield were evaluated by direct observation. Five species thrips were found in cornfield: Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller) Franklinielle tenuicornis Uzel, Haplothrips aculeatus Fabriecius, Aeolothrips fasciatus (Llinnaeus) and Scolothrips takahashi Priesmer, The main species thrips observed in cornfield are F. tenuicornis (Uzel), A. obscurus (Muller) and H. aculeatus (Febricius). The main species are different as the corn developmentand seasons.2. 1000 corn plants were investigated each time by 5 point sampling method, and number of the thrips on corn plants were recorded. The spatial distribution pattern of thrips in the cornfield is aggregation distribution for the damage behavior of the thrips in cluster.3. The suppercooling point is an important index of resistant to cold. The suppercooling point of Franklinielle tenuicornis Uzel reared in the lab was measured by TMC-40A suppercooling point device. The suppercooling point is a decline curve with one peak.The temperature of thrips gradually decline with time change,but the curve will rise when the temperature reached the suppercooling point, and then decline again when the temperature arrived freezing point. The average suppercooling point of the thrip adult after five months reared in lab is about -10℃, the highest and the lowest is -5. 31 ℃, and — 19. 88℃, respectively, and the freezing point is under the 0℃.4. The main predator species are spiders,ladybird beetles and Onus spp. in cornfield. The number of ladybird beetles and the total number of predators has a very significantly positive relationship with the population of thrips, the population of minutus has a clearly positive relation with the population of thrips, while the population of spiders hasno significant corelation with the population of thrips. It is showed that the ladybird beetles and the Onus spp. are the main predators of thrips in cornfield. The peak time of the predator population is about 20 days later than that of thrips.5.According to the thrips’s behavior atttactive to blue colour, the sticky blue boards trap was taken as control measure to control the thrips in corn field. The result showed that the sticky blue boards could reduce the population of thrips, with good control effects, the maximum 75%, lowerest 60%, especially in seedling stage, the control effect could reach 75%.6. The control effects of chemical insectides as seed coating agents were evaluated. Two systemic insecticides, Rengent and Poncho, were selected used for corn seed coating. The control effects of Rengent(300ml, 60%/100kg seed) and Poncho (300ml,50%/100kg seed) could reach 80%, which significantly higher than the two check insecticides, carbosulfan (lOg 20%/100 kg seed) and acetemiprid (1000ml 20%/100kg seed). The two insecticides have no side effects on corn and are safe to predators.

【关键词】 玉米田蓟马发生分布型防治
【Key words】 cornfieldthripsoccurrencespacial distributioncontrol
  • 【分类号】S435.13
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】414

