

Study on the Screenning of Fusarium Strain and It’s Application for Recalcitrant Organic Pollutants in Water

【作者】 李峰

【导师】 李济吾;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 食品科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 难降解有机废水主要来源于化工、轻工、食品等行业,具有致癌、致畸、致突变等作用,危害环境和人类健康。染料废水是一类典型的难降解废水,量大面广。多数染料为芳香族化合物,结构复杂、难降解、具有潜在毒性。寻找一种更加经济有效的难降解有机废水治理方法,是当前环保领域的研究热点和难点。 本文提出了一种利用镰刀菌处理染料废水的方法,分离与鉴定了一株对酸性蓝B和中性艳蓝GL具有显著的脱色降解效果的真菌菌株HJ01,研究了菌体生长条件与动力学、降解酶特性及染料降解效果,探讨了菌株HJ01降解染料机理及其安全性等,取得了一些有一定价值的研究结果: 1.经形态学和基因学的鉴定,确定HJ01菌株是层出镰刀菌(Fusarium proliferatum)。 2.HJ01菌株的适宜的生长条件为:碳源、氮源分别是蔗糖和NH4Cl,温度为25℃,pH值范围为6.0~7.0。 3.经Matlab模拟分析得知,HJ01菌的生长动力学符合Logsitic Law模型dX/dt=KX(1-βX)+K0 integral from n=t to 0 X(t)dt X(0)=X0,其中:X为菌体干重(g·L-1);X0为初始菌体干重(g·L-1);K为生长速率常数;β为衰减速率常数;K0为死亡速率常数,且为负值。25℃时,K=0.741,β=2.3,K0=-0.035;35℃时,K=1.25,β=0.124,K0=-0.06。底物消耗动力学符合方程

【Abstract】 The recalcitrant organic wastewater were mainly effluent from chemical industries, light industries and food industries, which has the effects of carcinogenesis, teratogenesis and mutagenesis, and does huge harm to the environment and human health. The dye wastewater is one kind of the typical recalcitrant organic wastewater and most dyes are aromatic compounds, and have complex structure and potential toxicity. The research on the effective treatment technics of recalcitrant organic wastewater is focused more and more and become a challenge in the environmental protection domain.In this research, the HJ01 strain was isolated and appraised, which had remarkable effects of the degradation to Acid Blue B and Neutral Brilliant Blue GL. The HJ01 culture condition and the kinetics, the characters of biodegradation enzyme and the dyes degradation effects were studied. The dyes degradation mechanism and the security of degradation products were discussed.The main conclusions of the research are as follows:

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【下载频次】211

