

Antioxidant Activities of Yellow Wine and the Involvement of Phenolic Compounds

【作者】 阙斐

【导师】 茅林春;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 食品科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 黄酒为世界三大古酒之一,源于中国,享有“国酒”的美誉。黄酒产地较广,品种很多,被酿酒界公认的、能够代表中国黄酒特色的、在国际国内市场最受欢迎的,首推浙江绍兴酒。绍兴黄酒是低耗粮、低酒度的酿造酒,是国家扶持发展的酒种,符合酒类市场低度、营养、保健的消费趋向。黄酒历来以营养丰富、保健养生著称,是医师药典推崇的传统保健养生佳品。就是在科学发达的今天,许多中药仍以黄酒泡制,借以提高药效。中医药界也多用绍兴黄酒配方治病,疗效显著,世代相传。《本草纲目》详载的69种药酒均以黄酒配制。但是,黄酒营养保健功效的形象宣传和市场开拓,已经不能仅仅靠古书药典的记载,必须要有营养功效的活体检验和功能成分的活性测定。本文从最基本的保健功能——抗氧化入手,对黄酒的抗氧化功能及其中的酚类物质进行了检测,并且建立了黄酒和其中的酚类的相关性分析。主要研究结果如下: 首先对古越龙山黄酒的抗氧化能力进行了初步检测,使用的抗氧化指标为总抗氧化能力、还原能力、清除DPPH自由基能力、清除超氧阴离子能力、金属鳌合能力,并用福林酚法测定黄酒中的总酚含量。结果表明黄酒有较强的总抗氧化能力、还原能力、清除DPPH自由基、超氧阴离子的能力,但是金属鳌合能力非常有限。黄酒中含有192μg的酚类物质,可能可以部分地解释黄酒的抗氧化能力,但是其它存在于黄酒中的物质,例如氨基酸、肽类、美拉德发应产物也有可能具有抗氧化作用。 为初步确定黄酒中抗氧化物质,我们对古越龙山黄酒进行了分离,将其通过45℃膜挥发,分离成为浓缩物、挥发物,通过抗氧化检测体系,对黄酒、黄酒的浓缩物、挥发物的抗氧化活性进行检测。结果表明黄酒和其浓缩物具有较强的抗氧化能力,然而挥发物基本不具有抗氧化能力。但是,黄酒和其浓缩物、挥发物不具备金属鳌合能力。黄酒和其浓缩物中总酚含量为190μg、185μg,而挥发物中只有0.7μg酚类物质,该结果表明酚类对黄酒的抗氧化性起着重要的作用。 接下来我们将检测范围扩大,检测了五种不同黄酒的抗氧化能力,包括古越龙山黄酒、红曲酒、寿生酒、佛手酒和糯米酒。这几种黄酒都是用米类酿造的,最主要的区别是用的曲的不同。结果表明:五种黄酒均具有明显的总抗氧化能力、还原能力、自由基清除能力,其中以糯米酒最强,佛手酒最弱。 最后,为了解释黄酒的抗氧化能力,我们进一步用HPLC法,对黄酒中的酚类物质进行了检测。我们选取了植物中和大米中最常见的十种酚类物质作为标样,包括caffeic acid,syringic acid,rutin,(-)-Epicatechin,(+)-catechin,gallic acid,vanillic acid,p-coumaric acid,ferulic acid,quercetin。结果表明:在五种黄酒中确实存在10种酚类物质,且以syringic acid,

【Abstract】 Yellow wine, beer and red wine are the three most ancient wines in the world. Traditionally yellow wine, derived from Shaoxing China, is brewed from glutinous rice and wheat Glutinous rice contains higher protein, lower fat, and the wheat can ofifer abundant carbon, nitrogen and microelement source for mold and yeast used for fermentation. The unique brewing technology handed down from generations brings yellow wine with bright brown color, subtle sweet flavor and low alcoholicity. Therefore yellow wine has been popular in China for centuries and was honored as the national banquet wine. In addition, yellow wine is widely known for its health care function. It is not only a good tonic, but also frequently used in Chinese traditional medicine as therapeutic component and has been claimed to have beneficial effects on the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease, but there is no epidemiological evidence.In this study, the antioxidant activity of yellow wine and its concentrate and volatile compounds was determined in terms of total antioxidant, reducing capacity, free radical scavenging, metal chelating and superoxide anion radical scavenging activities. These various antioxidant activities were compared with synthetic antioxidant, such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The total phenolic compounds were also determined. Results indicated that yellow wine and its concentrate exhibited similar strong total antioxidant activity. The inhibition percentage of 100 μl of yellow wine and its concentrate on peroxidation of 2.5 ml of linoleic acid emulsion was 97.99% and 95.74%, and both of them also had effective reducing capacity, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and superoxide anion radical scavenging activities, but had very low metal chelating activity on ferrous. However, the volatile compounds in yellow wine had little antioxidant activities. Results indicated that active antioxidants were non-volatile and resided in the concentrate after evaporation. Phenolic compounds may play a very important role in the antioxidant function.Then total antioxidant, reducing, free radical scavenging, and superoxide anion radical scavenging activities were determined in five Chinese rice wines (Guyuelongshan, Hongqu, Shousheng, Foshou, and Nuomi) comparing with synthetic antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene(BHT). Ten individual phenlic compounds including caffeic acid, syringic acid, and rutin, (-)-epicatechin, (+)-catechin, gallic acid, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid and quercetin, were identified and quantified by HPLC. Results indicated that rice wines exhibited high antioxidant power, and that total antioxidant activity, reducing capacity and free radical scavenging activity were highly correlated with total phenolic content Nuomi with the highest content of phenolic compounds showed the highest antioxidant activity, while Foshou had the lowest content with lowest activity. Syringic acid and (+)-catechin contributed most to the phenolic compounds and were highly correlated with all antioxidant properties (r2 > 0.75). However, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid and quercetin showed little contribution to the antioxidant function.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 08期
  • 【分类号】TS262.4
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1483

