

A Study of Cultural Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

【作者】 杨勇

【导师】 喻家楼;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要从Sperber和Wilson提出的关联理论角度讨论文化翻译。以关联理论为基础,提出了文化翻译的关联模式。在这一模式中,翻译是以译者为中心寻求关联的跨文化明示—推理过程。译者站在原文作者和译文读者之间与其进行跨文化交际。译者在原语认知环境中寻求关联并在目的语认知语境中做出动态适应。为获得最佳关联,译者必须采取不同的语用翻译策略。 翻译过程是一个明示—推理的动态适应过程。在寻找作者交际意图的最佳关联并做出合适的选择过程中,译者的思维是动态的。翻译中译者发挥着主体性。翻译过程可分为两个阶段:阐释过程和产出过程。在翻译的阐释过程中译者和原作者之间产生一个动态适应的寻求关联的明示-推理过程。译者努力寻求作者交际意图的最佳关联。语篇的产出过程是从译者到读者的动态适应过程。在最佳关联的指引下,译者有意识地做出选择以传达原作者的意图。同时,译者必须考虑社会文化语境、语言语境、作者意图以及读者的审美期待和接受水平。 归化、异化都是合适的翻译策略,有着不同的目的性。译者的语言选择和策略选择必须要传达作者意图以表达作者信息意图相当的语境效果,满足读者的审美期待和接受水平。归化与异化是并行不悖、互为补益的两种策略,二者服务于一个目的,即成功地获得具有最佳关联的译文。

【Abstract】 This thesis discusses cultural translation from the perspective of Relevance Theory, based on which, the author proposes a Relevance-Theoretic Approach to the cultural translating process. It is cross-cultural and translator-centered. In this Model, translating is both a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential and a dynamically-adjusting process. In the process, the translator stands at the center of cross-cultural communication between the original author and the target audience. The translator searches for relevance in the source cognitive environment and makes dynamic adjustment in the target cognitive environment. To achieve optimal relevance, the translator should adopt different pragmatic strategies.The translator’s mental operation is in dynamic state before he finds the optimal relevance to the author’s communicative intention and makes appropriate linguistic choices. In the course of translating, the translator develops his Subjectivity when he interprets the original utterances. The translating process consists of two subconscious process: Discourse-Interpretative Process and Discourse-Producing Process. In the Discourse-Interpretative Process of translation, a cross-cultural mental communication occurs between the translator and the original author. It is a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential process. In this process, he makes every effort to process correctly the optimal relevance to the author’s communicative intention. The Discourse-Producing Process is a dynamically-adjusting process from the translator to his intended receptor audience. Guided by optimal relevance, the translator consciously makes linguistic choices to convey the author’s intentions to his readers. Meanwhile, the translator has to take into consideration the social-cultural context, the linguistic context, his intentions as well as the aesthetic expectations and acceptability level of the receptor audience.Domestication and foreignization are appropriate strategies for achieving different purposes. The translator’s linguistic choices and pragmatic translation strategies must focus on conveying the author’s intentions in achieving the similar contextual effects of the author’s informative intention to satisfy the aesthetic expectations and acceptability level of the audience. They are two compatible and complementary means serving one purpose, that is, successful translation with optimal relevance.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】270

