

A Study on Development of Tourism Product Strategy of Hefei from Year 2006 to 2010

【作者】 李晓文

【导师】 严鸿和;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 企业管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的主要内容作为合肥市旅游局招标课题—《合肥市“十一五”旅游业发展规划》的组成部分之一,目前该课题已通过专家评审。规划首次提出了要实施“1337”行动计划,实现1个目标:建设安徽省旅游中心城市;发展3个旅游圈;以合肥为中心的一小时游憩圈,二小时旅游圈,三小时旅游协作圈;打造3个旅游带:环城区旅游带,环巢湖旅游带,环紫蓬山旅游带;完善7个特色旅游产品:会展旅游,都市观光旅游,休闲度假旅游,科教旅游,乡村旅游,红色旅游,工业旅游。在此基础上研究合肥市的旅游产品开发策略,对推动合肥市旅游业跨越式发展具有重大的意义。 本文首先论述了旅游产品开发的基本理论,主要介绍了旅游产品的基本概念、研究范围及内容,重点阐述了旅游产品开发的方法论。然后分析和评价合肥市现有旅游资源,分别对合肥市的重点旅游资源和重要特色旅游产品进行评价。在分析合肥市旅游产品开发上存在的问题的基础上,提出相应的解决办法。在对七大特色旅游产品相关性进行分析的基础上进行旅游产品开发。旅游产品开发的具体措施是结合“1337”行动计划的要求,开发三个旅游带以及完善七大特色旅游产品系列,加快旅游强县和旅游名镇建设。最后,阐明合肥市旅游产品开发要实行高投入、高产出的“双高战略”,“十一五”期间重点建设十大工程和54个旅游项目。

【Abstract】 In the Tourism Development Plan of Hefei during the Period from Year 2006 to 2010, it put forward the "1337 action" for the first time. The action is, to achieve 1 goal, build a tourism central city in Anhui province;to develop 3 tourism circles around the Hefei city: to construct 3 tourism bands, the round-cityzone tourism band, the round-Chao-lake tourism band and the round-Zipeng-moutain tourism band;to develop 7 characteristic tourism products, they are as the followed: the exhibition-view tourism, the city-view tourism, the vacation tourism, the science&education-view tourism, the village-view tourism, the red-history-view tourism and the industry-view tourism. As an important part of Tourism Development Plan of Hefei during the Period from Year 2006 to 2010, by analyzing the development strategy of tourism production of Hefei, this paper had a important influence on prompting the development of the tourism industry of Hefei.Firstly , this paper introduce the basic theory of development of tourism product, mainly introduce the basic concept and the content of the tourism product, emphasis on the methodology of development of tourism product. Secondly analyze and evaluate the current tourism resources of Hefei city, and appraised the key tourism resources and the key tourism product of Heifei city. Base on the analyzing of the problem of the development of tourism product of Hefei city, this paper put forward the corresponding measure, that is to develop the tourism product base on the relativity research to the 7 characteristics tourism products. The detail of measure is corresponding to the need of "1337"action, develop 3 tourism bands and the series of the 7 characteristic tourism products, speed up the construction of the famous tourism town. At the last, the development of the Hefei city’s tourism product should carry out the "double high strategy", stress on construct ten key projects and 54 tourism projects from year 2006 to 2010.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】439

