

【作者】 张民

【导师】 韩映虹;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 教育管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要是运用现代管理中激励理论与方法,针对当前幼儿园教师激励机制中存在的问题进行初步的研究。作者在查阅大量资料的基础上,依据赫茨伯格(F.Herzberg)的“双因素理论”,参考了《明尼苏达满意问卷》和《激励偏好量表》及其它一些相关问卷,自行编制了《幼儿园激励机制满意度问卷》。以天津市河东区幼儿教师作为总体。采用分层随机取样的方法,对202名幼儿教师进行了问卷调查。其中普通幼儿园发放问卷73份,天津市一级幼儿园发放问卷129份。 通过对调查问卷的分析,发现如下结果: 1、教师对幼儿园教师激励机制的认可度较高 2、幼儿园教师激励机制中存在以下几个问题 (1) 工作环境、组织氛围的创设不尽人意 (2) 幼儿园考评机制还需进一步完善 (3) 物质激励不合理,忽视对教师深层次的激励 (4) 未依据不同年龄阶段教师的需求,采取相应的激励措施 根据本调查结果,提出如下几点建议: 1、建立工作环境激励,营造和谐氛围 2、完善考评激励,促进合理竞争 3、物质激励与精神激励相结合,调动教师工作的积极性 4、采用不同的激励措施,促进不同年龄阶段教师的自我发展

【Abstract】 The present paper used the motivation theory and methods to study the existing problems in the motivation mechanisms of kindergarten management. The study adopted questionnaire method and interview method .In accordance with Herzberg’s Two -Factor Theory of Motivation and related questionnaires such as Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, Motivation Preference Questionnaire and so on, Motivation Mechanism Satisfaction Questionnaire was complied. There were 202 kindergarten teachers who filled the questionnaire, 73 of them were from ordinary kindergartens while 129 were from the first class kindergartens. The results were as followings1 .The majority of the kindergarten teachers had a satisfactory attitude towards the management motivation mechanism.2.There were some minor existing problems :(1) The work environment and organization atmosphere were not satisfactory(2)The evaluation system was needed to be improved(3)The material reinforcement was not appropriated, ignoring the deeper needs of the teachers.(4) The motivation steps were not taken accordingly in terms of the teachers’ age In accordance with the questionnaire results, We made suggestions as followings:1. Setting up an ideal work environment and homonymous atmosphere.2. Improving the evolution and motivation mechanism, bringing the enthusiasm into play.3. Combining the material and spiritual reinforcement, enhancing the self development of the teachers.4. Enhance the self-development of teachers of different age groups with differentmotivation methods.

【关键词】 幼儿园教师激励机制
【Key words】 kindergartenteachermotivation mechanism
  • 【分类号】G615
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】858

