

A Study on Device Selection and Configuraton in the Process of NSI

【作者】 张莲瑛

【导师】 牛存良;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,信息化、网络化、数字化成为社会发展的大趋势,迅猛的信息化浪潮冲击着人类社会的各个领域。企业对信息的需求与日俱增,渴望将企业内部的“自动化孤岛”集成起来并与外部连网,形成能真正实现信息高度共享,通信联络通畅,彼此有机协调的网络系统。网络系统集成的概念就是在这样的背景之下产生和发展起来的。 本文通过对网络性能指标体系的分析,从网络系统优化的角度对网络系统集成过程中的网络设备选型与配置问题进行了研究。通过分析提出了网络设备选型与配置的通用方法。本文主要包括网络系统集成的概况、衡量网络性能的指标体系及网络设备的选型与配置几方面的问题。并利用OPNET平台建立了一个网络模型,证明网络设备选型与优化配置对提升网络性能、降低组网成本、提高网络性价比并满足用户需求的有效性。 通过本文的研究,可以得出在网络系统集成过程中应该注意的网络设备的性能、价格以及协议配置等方面的问题。为集成商和用户在今后的建网过程中提供设备选型及设备配置方面的帮助,减少系统集成过程中人力和物力的投入,充分运用已有投资,降低建网成本,提高网络性价比。

【Abstract】 In this world, the informationization, networking and digitization are the main trends of the social development. The informationization tide strikes various fields of society. Enterprises have to connect their information islets and access to Internet to satisfy their steadily increasing demands for information. Only by connecting the information islets can a truly sharing, unblocked, organic network be formed. The concept of network system integration is originated and developed under the information tide.In this dissertation we discussed device selection and configuration problems confronted in the process of NSI form the angle of network system optimization based on analysis of NP index system. Problems of survey of NSI, index system used to evaluate a network performance and device selection and configuration are included in this dissertation. At last, to verify the availability of device selection and configuration for upgrading network performance, satisfying users’ demand for higher network performance, reducing costs and heightening cost-performance ratio, a simulation model is built in OPNET.The problem of how to balance the relationship among performance, price and protocol configuration about network devices is solved in this dissertation. This dissertation can be helpful for both NSI traders and network users to reduce their devotion of manpower and material resources in the process of NSI, make the best use of investment, lower the cost of building a new network and heighten cost-performance ratio.

  • 【分类号】TP393.07
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】157

