

The Study of Theory and Method of Beochemistry Well Logging Technology of the Aromatic Compound

【作者】 孔令芳

【导师】 王振平;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 应用化学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 录井是油气勘探的重要环节,是识别油气层的主要手段之一。建立任何提高油气层判别率方法都是对录井技术的重大贡献,同时,新方法在勘探中的使用也将产生巨大的经济效益。就目前油层识别的录井技术而言,纯油层与干/水层之间的判识难度较小,错漏判的情况发生几率也比较小。但是,油层与油水同层、油水同层与水层,特别是油水同层中的含水油层与含油水层之间的判识难度较大,存在的问题也比较多,实际钻探中经常发生错漏判的情况。因此,为了降低勘探成本,在油水分布比较复杂的地区,急需提高对油水同层的识别能力,降低错漏判率。 石油的组成与其形成、演化和保存有着必然联系。原油中的饱和烃、芳烃、非烃和沥青质,都包含着特定的地球化学信息。所以,从成藏的角度看,聚集起来的原油的组成,不但受烃类生成的影响,也会受到其运移、聚集和保存条件的控制。原油不同组分的分子结构和性质不同,在同一地质过程受到的影响程度不同,最终表现出的组分变化特征也会不同。对于同一地区同一层位的原油,由于有着相同或者相近的来源,原油组成的差别大小更主要地受运移、聚集和保存因素的影响。由于芳香化合物含有π键结构,使其比饱和烃(大庆原油最主要的组分)相对更容易溶解于水中,客观上就会造成纯油层、油水同层以及水层内芳香化合物在丰度、组成上的差异。因此,芳香化合物的分布有望成为解决识别油水同层问题的可靠载体。 本文选择油水分布复杂的松辽盆地西部地区为靶区,通过对原油样品和岩石样品的预处理方法研究,充分利用液相色谱仪对芳香化合物选择性检测的优势,并针对分析对象确定合适的流动相、进样量、检测波长等,以及样品物质峰的定性、定量方法。为了证实水的存在对芳香化合物分布的影响,考察了不同温度和不同油水比例情况下,原油萘菲系列化合物的浓度及组成变化规律,为有效地球化学指标的选择及流体性质判别图版的建立奠定了基础。在此基础上采用了常见的二维图的形式,用性质不同的两种指标作为图版的两个轴变量;采用双对数形式构建了6张产液性质评价图版。各图版综合对判率在81.1%~86.7%之间,平均达84.9%,错判率在13.3%~18.7%之间,平均仅为15.1%。明显好于常规录井技术。

【Abstract】 Logging is an important step of exploration and one of the methods of discriminating oil reservoir and gas reservoir. Every method to enhance the persent of discriminating oil reservoir and gas reservoir is to contribute to logging technique, and also beneficial to exploration field. Meantime, new method to enhance the persent of discriminating oil reservoir and gas reservior is to contribute to logging technique, and also beneficial to exploration field. For the logging technique to discriminating oil, it is not difficult to discriminate between pure oil reservoir and pure water reservior, and the wrong persentage is small. But it is hard to distingguish between oil and oil-water reservior , between oil-water and water reservior, especially water-oil and oil-water reservior, and there are more questions, such as the wrong and missed discriminating in drilling. Therefore, it is imperative to enhance the discriminating between water-oil and oil-water reservior in order to fall the wrong and missed persentage in the complex zone of distribution of water-oil and oil-water.Petroleum is related to the form, evolvement and preservation of it. The saturated hydrocarbons, arene, non hydrocarbon and bitumen are contained the special geochemical information. Therefore, petroleum component is influenced the form of hydrocarbons and the control of movement, collection and preservation. The different molecular structure and property is result in the different property in the same field. To the same district and horizon petroleum, the petroleum component is mostly imflenced the factor of movement, collection and preservation in order to the same and near source. On account of π bond, petroleum is prone tosolute to water, so it makes arene to the differece of abundence and component in the pure oil and oil-water reservoir. The distribution of arene is the reliable carrier of the discriminating the pure oil and oil-water reservoir.In this paper, aim to the west zone of songliao basin, which is complex distributing zone, by the confirm to the method of dispose the petroleum and rock sample, it is to detect arene by LC, and also to determinate the appropriate flowing phase, sample size, detection wavelength and the method of determination construction and quantity. To prove the influence of the distribution of water to aromatic compounds, it is to study of the influece of water to aromatic compounds and the law of the series compounds of naphthalene and phenanthrene in different temperature and action of water, which is based to the choice of efficient geochemistry index and the establishment to discriminate reservoir producing fluid property. It is also to establish six geochemistry charts, which use two different index by logarithm, to discriminate reservoir producing fluid property. The correct percentage is between 81.3% and 86.7% with the charts to discriminate the oil reservoir, water-oil reservoir, oil-water reservoir and water zone synthetically and the average percentage is 84.9%;the wrong percentage is between 13.3% and 18.7% and the average percentage is 18.1%, which is better than general logging methods.

  • 【分类号】P631
  • 【下载频次】141

