

Boundary Element Method and Program of Joint Fissure Damage in Rock Mass Mechanics

【作者】 付小平

【导师】 张我华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 岩土工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在岩体工程问题中,边界元法的应用越来越广泛。但大部分应用都是基于各向同性岩体,虽然也有涉及到各向异性岩体,但是在节理裂隙损伤岩体中的应用还是比较少。本文在前人工作的基础上,对边界元法在节理裂隙损伤岩体中的应用做了比较深入的研究。开发了几套适用于不同岩体的边界元程序。主要工作如下: 1、研究了边界元法在各向异性岩体中的应用,在各向同性twofs程序的基础上编写了各向异性Asio—twofs程序。分别计算了岩体中有无节理断层的岩体工程问题,分析了节理断层对洞室的影响。 2、把压剪应力作用下多裂隙岩体的本构模型引入到边界元法中,研究了各向异性多裂隙岩体中的边值问题,并在各向异性Asio—twofs程序的基础上编写了相应的各向异性裂隙Cra—twofs程序。分析了岩体裂隙对洞室的影响。 3、把二维各向异性损伤本构模型引入到边界元法中,研究了各向异性损伤岩体中的边值问题,且在各向异性Asio—twofs程序的基础上编写了相应的各向异性损伤Dam-twofs程序。分析了岩体损伤对洞室的影响。 4、研究了边界元法在非均匀岩体中的应用。在Asio-twofs程序的基础上编写了可用于分析和计算各向异性岩体中的带衬砌的洞室问题的Liner—twofs程序。分析了衬砌对洞室开挖的影响。同时分别研究了各向异性裂隙岩体和各向异性损伤岩体中带衬砌的岩体工程问题。

【Abstract】 The boundary element method is applying more and more abroader in rock mass engineering. While apply in isotropy rock mass mostly. Although it has some developments in anisotropy rock mass, it still lacks applications in joint fissure damage rock mass. This paper has do some research in-depth about the application of boundary element method in joint fissure damage rock mass on the basis of formers’ work, several boundary element programs which apply in different kind rock mass are empoldered. The main contents are asfollow:1. Some research about the application of boundary element method(BEM) in anisotropy rock mass has been done. The Asio-twofs program which applies in anisotropy rock mass is compiled on the basis of twofs program applying in isotropy rock mass. The effect of joint on excavations is analysed.2. The constitutive model of rock mass including many cracks under the acting of compressive stress and tangential stress is introduced into BEM. Boundary value problems in anisotropy rock mass including many cracks are studied. The Cra-twofs program computing boundary value problems in anisotropy rock mass including cracks is compiled on the basis of twofs program computing problems in anisotropy rock mass. The effect of crack on excavations is analysed.3. Two-dimension constitutive model of anisotropy and damage rock mass is introduced into BEM. Boundary value problems in anisotropy damage rock mass are studied and the Dam-twofs program is compiled. The effect of rock mass damage on excavations is analysed.4. Studied the application of BEM in heterogeneous rock mass and compiled the Liner-twofs program analysing and computing the excavations with lining in anisotropy rock mass. The effect of lining on excavations is analysed. The boundary value problems in anisotropy damage rock mass and anisotropy rock mass including cracks are separately studied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU452
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】356

