

Study on the Solvent/pigment Ink Jet Using for the Color Digital Prepress Proof

【作者】 李媛媛

【导师】 魏先福; 黄蓓青;

【作者基本信息】 北京印刷学院 , 材料物理与化学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 无论是数字印刷还是传统印刷均使用颜料型油墨,为了更真实再现最终印刷效果,为印刷生产提供标准样张,使用溶剂颜料型彩色数字打样用喷墨具有现实意义。本课题采用自制研磨机、高压均质机、高速搅拌等分散手段,选用多种树脂溶液体系以及多种分散剂,通过大量实验确定了喷墨的组分,优化了其配方,研制了具有色强度高、光泽度高,耐候性强等优点的溶剂颜料型喷墨油墨,经过上机实验,各项性能良好。配方确定过程中,探讨了溶剂、树脂、颜料、分散剂等喷墨油墨的组分以及分散技术对喷墨油墨的粘度、表面张力、电导率、干燥性、分散效果、分散稳定性、颜色性能等各项性能的影响。研究结果表明,采用自制研磨机分散固体颜料颗粒制备的喷墨油墨样品,各项性能良好,可以从模拟机中顺利喷出;采用高压均质机分散色浆制备的喷墨油墨样品可以达到平均粒径 0.130μm-0.231μm 的分散效果;树脂溶液的粘度随着树脂含量的增加成直线关系上升;混合溶剂的表面张力基本为各个组分表面张力的算术平均数,影响喷墨样品表面张力的因素中,溶剂占主导地位;影响喷墨油墨干燥性的首要因素是混合溶剂的共沸点,在不存在共沸点的情况下,影响初干的主要是混合溶剂中的快干溶剂,慢干溶剂主要影响彻干的情况;影响喷墨油墨电导率的主要因素是颜料,加入不同分散剂可使体系电导率不同程度的降低;喷墨油墨样品的色域空间与市场墨接近。

【Abstract】 Both digital printing and traditional printing uses the pigment printing ink,in order to reappearance final printing effect more exactly, provide standardtype for the printing production, using solvent/ pigment ink jet has the practicalsignificance. This project adopts many dispersing method, such as, theself-made grinding machine, the high pressure isotropically machine and highspeed stirring machine, selects many kinds of resin solution system as well asvariety kinds of dispersant, determining the component of ink jet through manyexperiments, optimized its formulation, developed the solvent/ pigment ink jetwith high color intensity, high glossiness, high stability. Experiment on themachine, each performance was good.In the process of confirming the formulation, discuss the influence of thecomponent to the performance of ink jet ,such as solvent, resin, pigment, thedispersant as well as the dispersing technology .These performance areviscosity, surface tension, conductance, dryness, dispersing effect, dispersingstability, color performance and so on.The result shows that, the performance of the ink jet which is dispersed bythe self-made grinding machine is good, these ink samples can be used on thesimulative machine, the dispersing effect of the ink jet sample which isdispersed by the high pressure isotropically machine is good. the averagegrain diameter of the four colors is between 0.130μm-0.231μm. The viscosityof resin solution increases along with the addition of resin content in linearrelation. The surface tension of component solvent basically is the arithmeticmean value of each component’s surface tension, among the factors whichinfluence the surface tension of ink jet, the solvent occupies the dominantposition. Ink jet’s dryness relates with the altogether boiling point of thecomponent solvent, if the component solvent does not have altogether boilingpoint, we must consider the volatilization speed of single solvent, roughdryness is mainly depend on the fast-drying solvent, thorough dryness ismainly depend on the slow-drying solvent. The factor which influence theconductance most is pigment, different dispersant can make different decreaseto the conductance. The color space of ink jet samples approaches to themarket ink.

【关键词】 数字打样溶剂颜料分散性能
【Key words】 digital prepresssolventpigmentdispersing methodperformance
  • 【分类号】TS802.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】639

