

A Method for Shot Location Correction in Seismic Geometry

【作者】 陶格涛

【导师】 张世红;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 固体地球物理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在地震数据处理流程中,建立准确的空间属性是进行其它一切处理的前提。但在野外施工中,由于受地表条件限制或人为因素的影响,使得某些炮点的实际物理位置与记录文件中的位置有所偏差。因此,在常规数据处理之前,必须对输入到计算机中的炮点位置进行检查和校正。地震数据预处理中,存在许多炮点位置的校正方法,本文主要针对原始的地震资料,给出了一种较精确的位置校正方法。此种方法主要基于滑动平均理论。首先,对近地表的介质速度进行求取并对其进行平滑,进而,对于输入到计算机中的原始炮检点二维坐标文件,应用最小二乘拟合原理找到炮检点间的数学关系,最后,应用求得的炮检点所对应的几何关系来对原始的炮检点数据进行校正。而对于三维地震资料,则依然是基于滑动平均法对近地表的介质速度进行求取并进一步对其进行平滑,最后归结为利用所求取的速度及应用高斯迭代法对三维炮点坐标数据进行计算,进而求得准确的炮点坐标。由于在常用的地震数据处理软件中如cgg.focus.promax等,缺少对原始数据炮点校正的模块,所以本文给出的炮点校正方法对于地震勘探信号的精确处理具有明显的意义。

【Abstract】 Establishing an accurate dimensional attribute is most important for the baseprocessing of seismic data. There are often somewhat difference between the real shotlocation and recorded shot location due to the ground surface condition limits andpersonal errors during the field work. In general situation, the shot location correctionmust be done before the base processing.There have been some methods of shot location correction proposed for theseismic data processing. An more accurate method of shot location correction is givenin this paper. The primary principle of this method is based on the “moving average” .At first, we need to calculate the medium velocity near the ground surface and find outthe mathematical relation between the shot locations and receiver stations with theleast squares fitting principle from the 2-D shot coordinates file saved in computer.Based on these results, we are able to figure out the corresponding geometry relationbetween the inspecting shot and receiver locations with the method of moving averageto correct the recorded shot location data. For the 3-D data, the corrections are alsobased on the method of moving average. However, the 3-D data processing needs G-Siterative in order to gain the accurate coordinates of shot locations. Actually, most current softwares used for seismic data processing, such as: CGG,FOCUS, PROMAX, lack for the module of the shot location correction, that is given inthis paper. It is obvious that this method plays a significance role for the processing ofseismic exploration signal.

  • 【分类号】P631.44
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】221

