

Study on the Utilization of Derived Lines from Popcorn×Normal Corn Crosses

【作者】 吴晓军

【导师】 李玉玲;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 以往研究表明,利用普通玉米可以有效改良爆裂玉米种质。但对普通与爆裂玉米自交系杂交高代选系的性状表现及其测交组配价值缺乏研究。本研究系统地分析了丹232×N04和B尖8×N05两个普×爆组合连续6代选系的膨爆特性、穗粒及植株性状表现;利用53个(丹232×N04)高代稳定选系与6个高优势优良爆裂玉米自交系和爆裂玉米亲本自交系N04,按照NCⅡ遗传交配设计组配324个测交组合,分析各性状的配合力和测交组合的性状表现;以各测交组合的特殊配合力效应值作为遗传距离,按最短距离法对53个高代选系和爆裂亲本N04进行聚类分析;利用其它57个(丹232×N04)高代稳定选系与6个高优势优良爆裂玉米自交系和爆裂玉米亲本自交系N04组配301个测交组合,分析其各性状表现。研究结果表明: (1) 各个世代后代选系各性状的平均值及其变幅,变异系数和优于亲本的植株数均存在一定程度差异,爆花率的差异较小;回交后代连续自交较直接连续自交后代的穗粒重和百粒重有所减小,而爆花率和膨化倍数增大。丹232×N04和B尖8×N05,两个普×爆组合连续自交各世代选留的后代数量均很少,表明采用常规系谱法从普×爆组合后代选育出优良爆裂玉米自交系机率较小。丹232×N04普×爆组合经过1-2代回交后,连续自交选育的实际选择效果表明,普×爆组合与爆裂亲本回交对膨爆特性恢复效果显著,同时穗粒性状和植株性状也得到明显提高,丹232×N04组合经过一代回交即可收到较好的选择效果。 (2) 53个(丹232×N04)高代稳定选系各性状的GCA和SCA均存在极显著差异。与爆裂N04相比,20、10、15、27个选系膨化倍数、穗粒重、百粒重和植株性状的GCA得到提高。93、66、41、108个组合的膨化倍数、穗粒重、百粒重和植株性状的SCA高于N04。 (3) 53个选系和爆裂亲本自交系N04聚类分析的结果表明,53个选系间及其与爆裂亲本自交系N04均存在较大的遗传差异,爆裂亲本自交系N04自成一类,53个选系可以分成3大类:BP03自成一类(Ⅲ),BP31和BP38归为一类(Ⅰ),其余50个选系为一类(Ⅰ)。 (4) 在625个测交组合中,194、233、472、290个组合的膨化倍数、穗粒重、百粒重和植株性状均优于CK,分别占31.04%、37.28%、75.52%和46.40%。BP05×F2,BP10×N105,BP14、BP17和BP38×W211-1,Z25×W211-4,Z36×F2共7个组合在两个试点的膨化倍数、穗粒重和百粒重均优于ck,其中BP38×W211-1和Z25×W211-4各性状高于CK幅度最大。这些组合的生产利用价值有待于进一步试验鉴定。 (5) 不同世代选系穗粒、植株和膨爆特性指标性状间的相关存在差异;各膨爆特性指标性状间多呈显著或极显著正相关,植株性状与膨爆特性指标间多呈显著或极显著负相关,各穗粒和植株性状间多呈显著或极显著正相关,百粒重与膨爆特性指标性状间多呈显著或极显著负相关;回交后代选系各性状间的相关系数小于直接连续自交后代,并且有随着世代的增加有减小的趋势;测交组合各膨爆特性指标性状间多呈显著或极显著正相关,各穗粒和植株性状间多呈显著或极显著正相关,百粒重与膨爆特性指标性状间多呈显著或极显著负相

【Abstract】 Using normal com germplasm is a main way to improve grain yield and agronomic straits of popcorn inbreds, and to broaden the germplasm basis of popcorn while maintain its excellent popping characters. But little research was done on the character performance and utilization of advanced pedigree selected stable lines from popcorn x normal corn crosses.This research systematically analyzed the popping characteristics, ear-kernel and plant characteristics of advanced pedigree selected stable lines developed from two popcorn x normal corn crosses, Dan 232×N04 and BJian8×N05, through 6 successive generations of selection. 324 testcrosses were made between 53 selected stable lines developed from Dan232×N04 and the popcorn parent N04, and 6 elite popcorn inbreds, showing heterosis with N04, using NCII genetic design. The performance of all testcrosses and the GCAs of all inbred parents, and their SCAs were all analyzed for each character. And 301 testcrosses were made between 57 selected stable lines developed from Dan232×N04 and the same 6 elite popcorn inbreds, and their performance were analyzed for all characters. The results were as follows:(1) There were differences among selected lines in each generation in average value, range of variation, coefficient of variability and the number of plants with better performance than the popcorn parent. But the difference was smaller for popping rate. The ear-kernel weight and 100- kernel weight of selected lines from successive self after 1~2 backcrossing with the popcorn parent were smaller than that of the selected lines from continuous self, but it was opposite for popping rate and popping fold. The selected lines were all few through continuous self for the two popcorn × normal corn crosses, Dan232×N04 and BJian8×N05. So, the probability was low to develop elite popcorn inbreds using normal pedigree selection method for the popcorn × normal corn crosses. Significant improvement could be obtained through 1-2 backcross with the popcorn inbred, and following with normal pedigree selection. In this way, ear-kernel and plant characteristics were also improved at the same time. For Dan232×N04, just one generation of backcross could bring significant improvement.(2) The GCAs and SCAs of 53 selected lines from Dan232×N04 were significantly different for all characters. Comparing with the popcorn parent N04, the

  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】60

