

【作者】 崔东原

【导师】 刘宝成;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 与其它国家和地区的投资者相比,韩国投资者进入中国相当晚,直到 1992年 8 月两国建交后才真正进入中国投资。目前,韩国已成为中国最大的外商投资来源地。然而,韩国企业对华投资急速发展的同时,在投资中也暴露出这样或那样的问题。各地的韩资企业在生产经营中也面临着一些具体困难。本文旨在考察韩国企业对中国投资的历史和现状特征,分析其中存在的问题及成因,以提出改善的有效方法,并探索出其未来发展前景。帮助韩国投资者和企业了解和吸取在华投资的一些经验和教训,以便今后在中国投资和经营取得更大成功。也使得中韩双方在未来的友好经贸合作中互惠互利,共同发展。

【Abstract】 Korean investors came to China in 1992 much later than the ones from othercountries and regions. And Korea is now the biggest region of foreign investment inChina. However, there are some problems in the process of fast increase of theKorean investment. And Korean companies face many idiographic difficulties in theirdaily operation.The paper reviews Korean companies’ investing history in China, describes thepresent situation and analyze the problems and reasons to put forward some effectivesolving methods and to draw a blueprint for Korean investors so that it will help themto have a better performance in China in the future. It also helps both Korea andChina to have benefit in the trades to-be so that the two sides can develop together.

【关键词】 韩国企业直接投资跨国公司中国
【Key words】 Korean companiesFDIMultinational CorporationChina
  • 【分类号】F279.312.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】809

