

Research & Application on the Heat Preservation and Insulation Material of Energy Efficiency

【作者】 郝先成

【导师】 马保国;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 材料学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 我国城乡建筑围护结构保温隔热性能差、能源利用效率低,建筑能耗约占社会总能耗的27.6%且呈逐年上升趋势。 本课题拟综合利用当地可再生资源研制开发节能型保温隔热材料系统,该系统具有保温隔热、优良的抗裂性、环保节能且施工简单等特点;其技术核心为:外墙外保温系统研究、外墙外保温材料抗裂研究、相变材料(Phase Change Materials,PCM)在建筑围护结构中的功效分析。 外墙外保温系统研究:保温隔热结构设计及理论研究、综合利用工业废弃物开发具有保温和隔热性能的胶粉聚苯颗粒保温隔热灰浆及膨胀聚苯板薄抹灰建筑外墙保温系统施工工艺。具体特点:1) 提出保温隔热系统结构设计理论、保温隔热层厚度等;2) 对聚苯乙烯泡沫颗粒的级配及它和胶凝材料配比进行设计,使该保温隔热材料各项性能指标都得到了优化;填加的硅铝玻璃空心球体料属于轻质多孔材料,起到了保温隔热作用,研究表明:对于不同基层墙体,选用不超过40mm该保温隔热灰浆,即可达到标准中关于墙体传热系数与蓄热系数的要求;3) 对聚苯板的拼接、耐碱网格布的搭接与翻包、锚栓使用、系统分格缝与伸缩缝、阴阳角和窗洞口、阳台和滴水线等的基本构造形式进行论述。 外墙外保温材料抗裂研究:利用“逐层释放应力”的理念,对保温隔热材料抗裂保护层进行设计,解决墙体材料开裂的问题。具体特点:1) 对掺入不同量乳胶粉的砂浆性能进行测试,表明掺量控制在1.5%即对抗裂砂的柔韧性具有改善作用;2) 耐碱网格布对应力具有分散作用,可以有效改善因应力集中而产生的裂纹:3) 通过SEM图谱观察聚合物对水泥砂浆的改善作用。 相变材料在建筑围护结构中的功效分析:相变材料用于建筑围护结构中,具有节约材料用量、降低室内温度等功效,用正二十二碳石蜡作为相变材料的算例结果表明:在相同条件下与不加相变材料相比,室外温度升高10℃时,加入相变材料可削减室内峰值温度约4℃,可使室内峰值温度滞后2.65h。 本研究成果已推广应用,表明:1) 可有效减少能源消耗、降低环境污染;2) 可有效改善室内空气质量:3) 产品以固体废弃物为主要原材料,节能利废;4) 5年可回收所有建筑保温隔热材料成本,远远低于建筑的使用年限。

【Abstract】 In our country building envelope has the poor heat preservation and insulation and the energy has the low used efficiency. The building energy consumption approximately composes 27.6% of the social total energy consumption and has the trend of escalation by year.The regenerative material is synthetically used to develop the heat preservation and insulation material system. It has some features, including heat preservation and insulation, good anti-crack, environmental protection and energy efficiency, easy operated. Its technical focus is: System research on the heat preservation and insulation of outer wall;Research on the theory of heat preservation and insulation and the theory of anti-crack of the material of outer wall;Effect analysis on phase change material (PCM) in building envelope.System research on the heat preservation and insulation of outer wall: including the emulsion powder and the benzene pellet heat preservation and insulation mortar is developed by synthetically used the regenerative material, construction technology of system of external thermal insulation about EPS plate’s grout. Contents: l)Structural design and fundamental research on heat preservation and insulation, Determine the thickness of the heat preservation and insulation material etc. 2)To design the gradation of polystyrene froth pellet and the proportion with the gelation, that causes the performance optimization of the heat preservation and insulation material;To fill up the silicon aluminum glass hollow spheroid material which belongs to the light, porous materials, plays to the heat preservation and insulation role;The research indicated that: regarding the different basic unit wall, selects does not surpass the 40mm this heat preservation heat insulation mortar, then achieves in the standard about the wall heat transfer coefficient and the regeneration coefficient request.3) The focal illustration is fundamental constructions, including adhesion and piece together of EPS plate, lap joint and turn-up of alkaline-resisting grid fabric, plastic bolt, divided seam and the expansion joint, the masculine and feminine elements angle and window, the balcony and the drop water line, other exterior facilities and so on.Research on the theory of heat preservation and insulation and the theory of anti-crack of the material of outer wall: The heat preservation and insulation material is designed by the idea of "release stress" to resolve the wall material dehiscence. Contents: 1) The polymer emulsion powder is added into the mortar, the ratio of compressive and flexural strength, freeze-thaw resistance and shrinkage performance of the mortar are indicated that the proportion of emulsion powder should be controlled in 1.5% for to enhance the overall flexibility and crack resistance of the mortar. 2) Alkali resistance fiberglass mesh and the fiber may disperse the stress;3) The SEM atlas confirms this conclusion: The emulsion powder can enhance theflexibility.Effect analysis on phase change material (PCM) in building envelope: PCM has the characteristic to reduce expenses and cut down the interior temperature when the PCM is used in building envelope. With the 22 carbon paraffin wax took changes the material to calculate the example result indicated: With does not add under the same condition changes the material to compare, when the outdoor temperature elevates 10 °C, joins changes the material to be possible to reduce in the room the peak value temperature approximately 4 °C, may cause peak value thermal delay 2.65h.This research has applied. Indicates: 1) may effectively reduce the energy consumption, ease the environmental pollution;2) may effectively improve the air quality in the room;3) the product takes the solid wastes as the main raw material, so it is the product of the energy conservation utilization of waste;4) 5 years may recycle all heat preservation and insulation material costs, It is lower than the construction by far the service life.

  • 【分类号】TU551
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】2031

