

Research on In-depth Profile Modification Mechanism of Weak Gel

【作者】 潘伟义

【导师】 汤达祯;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 油气田开发工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过充分调研国内外弱凝胶深部调剖技术的研究现状,针对目前油田应用广泛的弱凝胶调剖剂深部调剖作用机理研究薄弱这一问题,采用物理模拟的方法,研究弱凝胶运移的发生条件和深部放置过程中可注入性、剪切破坏性和封堵性能随注入时间、流动空间、注入介质、注入参数等因素的影响,以解决弱凝胶体系油藏实用性问题,为优化设计提供科学依据,为特高含水期深部调剖凝胶技术的推广应用奠定理论和应用基础。通过实验研究和理论分析,取得以下主要成果:1、建立了实验方法和模型,用一维人工填砂岩心管模拟地层中高渗带,通过多点测压方式沿程监测调剖剂及注入压力变化,研究调剖剂的特性变化规律及形成的流动阻力变化规律等。2、弱凝胶在适宜的多孔介质中有可注入性,注入初期阻力系数随注入量(注入时间)的增加而增加,但当注入量(注入时间)达到一定值后,阻力系数趋于稳定;阻力系数与凝胶强度在入口端下降快,随深度增加也趋于稳定。3、弱凝胶调剖适合于高渗透地层,低渗透率岩心对凝胶的剪切作用较大,但阻力系数与渗透率不完全满足反比关系,存在一个最佳渗透率区域。4、弱凝胶强度越高,通过岩心后强度保留率也越高,在可进入的多孔介质中形成的阻力系数和残余阻力系数也就越高,但当阻力系数太高时注入困难,会导致注入过程中弱凝胶严重破坏。5、通常情况下弱凝胶注入越快,其沿程强度损失越高,沿程阻力系数越小,特别在低流速的情况下更有利于凝胶的滞留,使岩心渗流能力下降而使阻力系数升高。6、介质粗糙的表面有利于弱凝胶滞留,流动阻力系数比较大,但同时也加剧对凝胶的剪切破坏,使流动阻力降低。7、弱凝胶更易进入水流通道,对水流的封堵程度远远大于对油流的封堵程度,对目的层的伤害比较小。

【Abstract】 Weak gel has been widely applied to enhance oil recovery in deep reservoir in recentyears. But mechanism of in-depth profile modification has been seldom researched.So the work on in-depth profile modification mechanism is necessary. In this paperphysical simulation has been used to research on weak gel migration conditions andperformance of injectivity, shear, sealing characteristics along with injection time,mobile space, injection media, injection parameters separately. The objective of theresearch is to solve practicability problem of weak gel, to provide the rationale for theoptimized design, to establish the theory and the application foundation of weak gelin-depth profile modification system in reservoir with high water-cut.According to experimental study and theoretical analysis, the main achievements inthis paper are as follows:1. The model of physical simulation and experimental method have been established.The tubes filled with sands have been used to simulate high permeability zones. Inorder to research weak gel on way characteristic and resistance change rule, multi-spots measured presses system has been used to monitor the change of weak gelin-depth profile modification agent and injection pressure.2. Weak gel can be injected in fitting porous media. Resistance factor increases at thebeginning of injection, with injection time increasing resistance factor levels off.Both resistance factor and gel strength decrease in the inlet, with injection depthincreasing resistance factor and gel strength level off.3. Weak gel is fit for high permeability zones. In low permeability core tubes weakgel has been sheared seriously. But the injectivity of weak gel incompletely showsdirect ratio with permeability. There is an optimal permeability range for injectionof weak gel.4. The gel with high strength leads to high values of gel strength retention rate,resistance factor and residual resistance factor through core tubes. But weak gel isseriously sheared and injected difficultly with high resistance factor.5. The weak gel with fast injected leads to low values of resistance factor and gelstrength. Particularly in slow injection rate weak gel detention shows very large,which makes resistance factor increase.6. Though coarse media favors detention of weak gel, it sharpens shear of weak gel.7. Weak gel prefers to entering in water communication. Water communication ismore remarkably sealed than oil communication, which can reduce damage ofsubject reservoir.

  • 【分类号】TE357.46
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】993

