

【作者】 智永锋

【导师】 张骏;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机的高效率和低成本,使得人们看到了企业信息化管理的价值。但是,来自不同厂商的硬件设备、操作系统、数据库系统和应用模式有着各种差异,同时应用系统也越来越复杂。如何在异构和分布式环境下,满足对扩展性、重用性、移植性、安全性、维护性等方面的要求,已成为企业应用系统开发所关注的焦点。 本文通过对软件体系结构、软件重配置技术、软件代理技术、软件开放实现理论与反射技术研究,利用反射中间件原理和XML其灵活的语法,允许描述各种类型的信息与平台无关性等特性,提出了企事业信息综合事务处理系统ICETIP模型,它可将各种应用系统的功能抽象为界面流,事务流和数据流,每种“流”中按需要抽象出若干个“功能豆”。这些功能豆的拼接可设计出需要的界面流、事务流和数据流,从而实现一个特定业务需求的网络应用。 本文提出的ICETIP模型是一种基于三层模型的企业信息化的通用软件平台,它包括了基于XML数据库访问中间件、基于用户和角色访问控制中间件、可重用应用服务器框架、用户界面自动生成模型、ICETIP系统脚本语言编译器等五种中间件的设计。通过定义这五种中间件之间相互通信协议,利用请求/响应模式,建立了ICETIP模型。在该模型下,通过修改配置文件和数据库可以灵活方便地调整系统的结构和功能,而无需重新编译系统。ICETIP平台无需编程就能根据业务变化进行整个应用系统功能重组,不同角色只获得他所需要的功能模块,完成他所应该完成的工作,实现业务流程的重组,做到了设计系统时可见即可得,使用系统时所得即所需。 ICETIP模型改变了软件公司的经营模式,即由项目开发模式转变为市场销售与技术服务模式。ICETIP开发特定的应用时,只有需求分析和系统部署两个过程,减少了开发过程的概要设计、系统分析、方案设计、系统测试和系统维护等多个繁杂过程。ICETIP系统不仅改变了应用系统的开发过程与模式,缩短了开发周期,同时保证了应用系统的可靠性。

【Abstract】 People realize management values of the enterprise operation because of the computer’s high efficiency and low cost. But information resources (such as hardware, operating platform, database system, and so on) are from different manufacturers, and application logic has variety of modes and is more and more becoming complex, it is not so easy to develop. Therefore, how to meet requirements of expansibility, reusability, portability, security, and maintainability is the focus of developing the enterprise application system.In this thesis Information-Centered Enterprise Transaction-Integrated Processing System(ICETIP) is proposed based on the research of software architecture, software reconfiguration, software agent, software open interconnection theory, reflection technique, reflecting middleware theory and xml techniques. Comprehensively employing these techniques, we can describe many kinds of application logic in a way of platform independence. ICETIP can abstract the function of the application system as a set of interface flow, transaction flow and data flow. Every flow has its own function beans. These function beans can be grouped into the particular interface flow, transaction flow and data flow, thereby realizing one special the network application of business requirements.ICETIP is a three-tired common information process platform. It includes five different middleware or components: Database Access Middleware Based on XML, Access Control Middleware Based on users and roles, application server framework, user interface’s automatic generation component, and ICETIP script language compiler. By definition of intercommunication protocols among these middleware and utilizing request/response mode, the thesis establishes ICETIP model. It could agilely and expediently control application flows, rebuild the application functions through configuration files, and deploy new application without any more programming. Once the business logic is changed, ICETIP can be adjusted according new requirements, and different roles do what is assigned to him or her. But it doesn’t need any more programming. So, in this way, it realizes reconstruction of operation flows for application system. That is, ICETIP really has the characteristic that what you see is what you get when designing, and what you get is only what you can do whenrunning.ICETIP model changes management model of software development, namely it turns software development from project management model to market service mode. Using ICETIP to develop specific application, it only needs two processes: requirements analysis and application deployment. That is, it reduces outline design, system analysis, project design, system test, system maintenance and so on in the development process. ICETIP system not only changes the development process of the application system, but also shortens development cycle, and at same time it guarantees reliability of the application system.

【关键词】 软件体系结构软件代理反射
【Key words】 software architecturesoftware agentreflection
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】46

