

【作者】 钟都都

【导师】 闫杰;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 高新技术的研究和应用大大提高了空中目标的战术技术性能,这就要求红外空空导弹必须采取相应措施来对付空中目标提出的挑战。 图像处理技术是红外导引头上的关键技术,直接影响对目标的捕获和识别。论文基于灰色关联分析的边缘检测方法,结合Canny算法,得到了一种有效的边缘提取策略。相对于传统边缘检测方法中的梯度图像,论文提出“灰色关联度图像”的概念。指出并讨论了灰色序列方向对边缘方向的敏感性,采用不同方向的灰色序列可以得到和梯度方向算子相似的效果。论文由各方向序列下的灰色关联度图像进行边缘方向判断,沿各方向进行非极小值抑制(NMS),对灰色关联度图像进行细化,然后设定自适应高低阈值进行边缘连接,具有很好的边缘提取效果。 为了给边缘跟踪阶段提供实时有效的边缘信息,论文提出应用几种最简边缘检测算法提取红外目标,分别基于梯度运算、灰色关联分析和形态学运算。文中推导了最简算法并进行了仿真实验,分析了算法的运算量并与经典算法做了对比。 为了对红外导引头各种性能进行测试评估,也需进行红外视景仿真技术的研究,以加速红外成像制导在军事装备中的应用。在进行红外视景图像仿真的研究工作中,文中讨论了OpenGL图形绘制技术、圆顶形天空的建模、MilkShape3D三维造型过程、粒子系统原理,用这些技术分别构建了红外视景中的天空背景、飞机目标、飞机尾焰和红外干扰弹。实时产生的视景图像真实感强,具有良好的视觉效果。

【Abstract】 In modern dogfight, high maneuverability of the target calls for higher image processing abilities of the air-to-air IR Missiles.The image processing technique is one of the keys in IR imaging seeker. It influences the capture and identification of the target directly. Based on gray correlation analyse edge detection method and canny algorithm, a new valuable edge detection strategy is proposed in this thesis. Compared with gradient image, "gray correlation degree image" as a novel conception is put forward and discussed. The edge direction can be determined according to the gray correlation degree sub-images. Non minimum suppression and edge connection are carried out along various orientations of the image to get thin continuous edge.Several simplest edge detection algorithms based on gradient operation, grey relational analysis and mathematical morphology are developed in this thesis to provide real-time useable edge for tracing stage. The formulas are reasoned out and compared with the classical operators. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms extract edges quickly and meet the engineering demands of the IR air-to-air missiles.To test and evaluate the IR seeker, study on IR scene image simulation is also necessary. The design ideas and implementation method to generate dynamic IR images with computer are addressed here. OpenGL graphics technique, modeling of the "sky dome", MilkShape 3D creation method, principle of particle system are discussed. These techniques are used to construct sky background, fighter plane, trail and IR jamming respectively in the IR scene simulation system. The real-time scene’s IR images produced by this system are true to nature and have good vision effect.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41;TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】808

