

【作者】 张思齐

【导师】 杜清珍;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 嵌入式系统融合了微电子、计算机软/硬件、通信和电子工程等多种技术、广泛应用于航空、航天、仪器仪表、工业控制、家用电器、信息家电和3C(Computer、Communication & Control)等领域,是科技集成创新的主要手段。嵌入式操作系统也由于RTOS(Real-Time Operation System)的编程方式比传统的编程方式有着明显的优越性,在越来越多的场合得到广泛的应用,研究和开发具有现场总线功能的嵌入式实时操作系统开发平台具有重要的现实意义。 论文首先从嵌入式系统的基本概念入手,对在嵌入式系统中使用RTOS的必要性,RTOS的发展现状和发展趋势等方面进行了简单综述,然后着重分析了操作系统μ C/OS-Ⅱ内核结构,如:任务调度、时间管理、通讯机制以及内存管理等。在此基础上,并以带有数据处理能力较强的8位单片机的Z84C15开发机为控制对象,以抢占式内核μ C/OS-Ⅱ为嵌入式操作系统,以Borland C++ 4.5为编译环境搭建了一套嵌入式操作系统软硬件开发平台,并完成了基于μ C/OS-Ⅱ的部分板级支持包BSP(Board Support Package)的开发,包括数据队列(Data Queue)的设计、串行输入/输出控制器SIO(Serial Input/Output Controller)驱动程序设计、微控制器局域网CAN(Controller Area Network)现场总线驱动程序设计。 在设计的开发平台之上,通过开发平台与设计的实验板通讯程序调试,验证了数据队列的设计、SIO驱动程序设计和CAN总线驱动程序正确性。这种开发过程简洁方便,体现了基于嵌入式操作系统平台的开发优势,达到了预期的设计目的。该平台可以避免嵌入式开发人员对Z84C15重复性设计,缩短开发周期。同时也使嵌入式开发人员从繁杂的CPU和硬件控制工作中解脱出来,从而能够专注于应用系统的开发,提高开发效率。论文最后指出了操作系统μ C/OS-Ⅱ的缺陷,如时钟中断延时、内存和任务栈的浪费,并提出了改进方案,为下一步的研究工作提供了有价值的建议。

【Abstract】 Embedded System involves much technology, including micro-electronics, electronic engineering, the software & hardware of computer, Communication, and so on. It has been used in every walk of life, such as aviation, spaceflight, instrument, industrial-control, appliance equipment, intelligent facility, and communication, Computer, Communication & Control. Embedded System Design is a main method of science and technology innovation. Simultaneity, embedded operation-system has been applied widely in many fields, owing to its advantage of programme mode than tradition’s.Beginning with the basic conception of the embedded system, the article introduces the necessity of using RTOS in the embedded system, the current situation of the development of RTOS and development trend, etc. This thesis introduces the real-time operation system μC/OS-II and analyzes kernel particularly, for instance, task-scheduler, time-manage, communication-principle and member-manage. Based on it, author designs the software & hardware platform of embedded operation system, which regards Z84C15 developer as control object, reaving kernel μC/OS-II as operation system, Borland C++ 4.5 as code warrior. And completes the design of bord support package about data queue, serial input/output controller, controller area network.By communication programme debugging between the platform and experimental circuit board, the paper validate bord support package of data queue, SIO CAN. The developing process is laconic and convenient, which embodies advantage of RTOS, and accomplishes expected purpose. Simultaneity The platform can avoid repeated design on Z84C15, reduce developing time, Simultaneity which can release programmers from bottom design, in order to focus on application. Eventually, the paper points out limitation of uC/OS-II, for example delay of time tick, waste of memory and task stack, and bring forward ameliorated projects. Which offers valuable advice for future research.

  • 【分类号】TP368.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】353

