

Study and Realization of Muti-Motor Synchronization Control System

【作者】 范岩

【导师】 何勇;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 矩阵变换器是一种先进拓扑结构的“全硅”功率变换器,与传统的变换器相比,它具有如下优点:不需要中间直流储能环节;能够四象限运行;具有优良的输入电流波形和输出电压波形;可自由控制的功率因数。因此矩阵变换器已成为电力电子技术研究的热点之一,有着广泛的应用前景。国外开始这方面的研究已有一段时间,取得了可喜的进展,国内近几年也开始了这方面的研究,但和国外相比还有不小差距。 本文简要介绍了矩阵变换器的数学基础、工作原理和换流技术,从等效交-直-交变换的空间矢量调制方法出发,深入分析了矩阵式变换器的变换关系,推导出了交-交直接变换规律和双空间矢量PWM调制技术,实现了交-交直接变换控制方式下矩阵变换器的建模和仿真。首次应用转子磁场定向原理实现了矩阵变换器的双闭环控制的建模和仿真。仿真中采用双IGBT组合双向开关并应用四步换流控制实现了开关的安全切换,仿真结果非常接近实际。并进一步应用矩阵式变换器实现了多电机同步控制系统的仿真试验。 本文以DSP为核心实现了矩阵变换器的硬件设计,进行了系统软件的设计和调试,完成了交流电机的控制试验,并对试验结果进行了分析。仿真和实验结果验证了本文策略的正确性和可行性。

【Abstract】 Matrix Convertor is a "all silicon" power convertor with an advanced circuit topology. Compared with the traditional power convertor, it has a few advantages: the lack of DC -link , the ability of four quadrant operation, the excellent waveforms of input current and output voltage, variable power factor input current. Because of such advantages, Matrix convertor will be prosperous in the future. In abroad, the research of it has developed for a few times. But in china, the research only has begun lately.In this paper, the control method for matrix convertor (MC) is emphasized. Its mathematic mechanism , fundamental principle and four-step current commutation algorithm are described briefly. According to the space vector modulation method of the equivalent structure of the AC-DC-AC conversion , the conversion relations of the matrix convertor were deeply investigated. The AC-AC direct transformation control and the double-space-vector PWM scheme of the matrix convertor were deduced and the modling and simulation of a three-phase matrix convertor were implemented. In this paper, the matrix convertor based on rotor flux oriented with current and speed fed back control is descriped. Due to the lack of the true bi-directional switches at present ,the combinaions of IGBTs controlled by four-step current commutation algorithm were adopted in the simulation, which made the study very close to the reality. Further, the modling and simulation of muti-motor synchronization control system based on the matrix convertor were descriped.The harware based on DSP control sysytem was constructed and the software was designed and written. Experiment of applying the matrix convertor to three-phase induction motor drive were completed. The simulaton and expriment results demostrate the correctness and the feasibility of this scheme.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 07期
  • 【分类号】TM921.543
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】645

