

Design and Development of Auxiliary Decision Support System for Software Engineering Economic Analysis

【作者】 刘宏波

【导师】 赵玮; 伍天明;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文选题来源于实际工作需要。现在越来越多的研究人员、软件团体和机构投入了大量的研究,但由于软件工程经济分析的复杂性、多样性和不确定性,致使人们在进行软件工程经济分析决策时仍然停留在浮浅和不全面的认识基础上,为了能够将该认识提升到应用层次。研究和开发软件工程经济分析辅助决策支持系统就显得尤为必要。 在需求调研的基础上,明确了本论文的主要研究工作、研究方法和论文的整体框架。介绍了软件工程经济分析决策支持系统(Decision Support System for Software Engineering Economic Analysis,SEEADSS)需求分析的意义和困难以及系统的需求。对SEEADSS进行了整体分析,明确了系统目标、系统功能、系统架构、系统开发流程和系统设计过程中遵循的原则。研究了SEEADSS数据库系统设计、模型库系统设计、知识库系统设计和问题处理系统的设计。完成了软件项目可行性分析、软件项目招投标管理、软件项目成本估算和软件项目定价问题的实现工作。 在本文的最后结合一家软件公司的实际开发项目,验证了开发该系统的可行性及其应用价值和应用前景,并提出了进一步的设想和建议。

【Abstract】 The selected title of this thesis is from the real need of work. Now more and more people,software team and department have a lot of study.Because of the complexity, variety and uncertainty of economic analysis of the software engineering, people still stay on the superficial and not overall understanding foundation while carrying on the economic analysis of softare engineering decision. So, it seems particularly essential to research and develop software engineering economic analysis auxiliary DSS .On the basis of requirement study, this thesis explains studied work, studing method and the thesis whole structure. Secondly, descripes basic theory of DSS and software engineering economic analysis. Thirdly, introduces system requirement analysis means and difficulty. Make sure SEEADSS system requirement. Wholly analyze SEEADSS and then make sure system goal, system function, system structure, system develop-pment sequence and principle in SEEADSS development. Deeply study database design, model base design, knowledge base design and problem processing system design.In the last of this thesis, giving an example of actual software project verify this system application value and provide the future prospect and suggest.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】482

