

The Network Technology of AIS Base Station and the Study on Its Application Domain

【作者】 商春宇

【导师】 王英志;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 自从1992以来,经过短短的15年时间,国际上已经陆续发布了AIS的性能标准、技术标准和测试标准,并规定了各类强制性措施。关于在船舶中安装AIS的要求,已经列入SOLAS公约船舶修正案的第五章(又称“新五章”)。根据新五章的要求所有大于或等于300总吨的从事国际航运的船舶,大于或等于500总吨航行于国内航线的货船和所有的客船,须于2002年7月1日至2008年7月1日分段强制配备AIS设备。 通过这些强制规定,可以预见船舶自动识别系统(AIS)必将成为21世纪世界海运的主流使用工具。AIS是新型的助航系统和安全信息系统,是一项集现代通信、网络技术和信息技术于一体的新的应用系统。世界各国已广泛开展了应用研究,并取得了一些经验和成果。我国对AIS的研究也已深入开展。为了更加深入的认识AIS系统和AIS网络,本文在查阅了大量的资料的基础上主要从以下几个方面对AIS进行了详尽的论述: (1) 对AIS基站的原理和相关技术进行了介绍; (2) 深入研究了AIS网络的结构、网络的传输协议,并分析了AIS各类传输信息标准格式; (3) 对AIS应用的VDL模式4网络的路由器、基站控制器等硬件设备的结构、工作原理做出了详细论述,并详细分析了与其密切相关的计算机网络管理、AIS管理的内容; (4) 全面总结了AIS在船舶自动避碰系统、VTS系统、航标3大领域的应用; (5) 就AIS网络安全性方面给予了非常大的关注,简要介绍了AIS在构建海上安全信息系统的作用。

【Abstract】 The performance standard, technology standard and testing standard have been issued in 15 years from 1992, when many compelled measures have been made. The demands of fixing AIS facility has been into the Shipping Amendments of SOLAS(or named "New V Chapter"), according to which all international ships(=300tons), all national cargo ships(=500tons), and all passenger ships must be fixed with AIS equipment from July 1, 2002 to July 1, 2008.From this we can easily forecast that AIS will be the 21st’s equipment in the world. AIS is a new navaid and safety system, it includes modern communication, network technology and information technology. The other countries have been studying on it, and have obtained some experiences and harvests. So do our country. To have more cognition about AIS and its network, the dissertation presents the following points at large based on abundant datas.(1) Lays out the principle and technology AIS base station;(2) Deeply studies the network architecture, the netting transport protocols of AIS, and analyses its transport information;(3) Presents the frame and the principles of the network router, BS controller used in AIS hardware, and analyses the contents of their managements in particular;(4) Sums up the AIS applications in Shipping Automatic Anti-collision system, VTS system, Aids to Navigation System;(5) More attentions on network security, and briefly presents AIS’s applications on the system of marine safety information.

  • 【分类号】U675.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】287

